Shirabu Protection Squad

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Fuck Oikawa

1:01 pm

Ripoffhisoka: hello :3

DrSetter: aren't you in class? Why tf are you texting

Ripoffhisoka: because i can and i'm bored

DrSetter: whatever

ProTractor: Satori, you should not be texting in class. Pay attention to the teacher.

Taichi: now ur texting as well

ProTractor: Oh.

Ripoffhisoka: how are you doing shirabu?

DrSetter: im literally fine y r u worried about me

Taichi: seriously-

DrSetter: what.

Ripoffhisoka: im worried because you didn't come to practice today-

Taichi: yeah you were kinda a mess this morning

DrSetter: can we not do this in the group chat please

Ripoffhisoka: okay okay


Shirabu protection squad

1:04 pm

Ripoffhisoka: can we talk in here??

DrSetter: yeah sure whatever

Taichi: wanna tell us what's wrong?

DrSetter: I'd rather not

DrSetter: and Taichi stfu u literally know what happened

Suga: What's going on? Aren't you guys at school?

ProTractor: Shirabu didn't come to practice, or any of his classes today. We are asking what is wrong with him.

Suga: Oh okay. But aren't the rest of you in class though? Shouldn't you be paying attention?

Ripoffhisoka: nahhh our shirabu is more important than school

DrSetter: i'm really not that important it's fine guys. get back to school.

Ripoffhisoka: shirabu. You are important.

DrSetter: sure sure whatever. plus, im just overreacting right now so it's not really important

Suga: if it keeps you from playing volleyball, then i'm pretty sure it's important

Ripoffhisoka: does it have to do with what semi did in the chat yesterday?

Ripoffhisoka: i can talk to him about it if you want

DrSetter: no. it's not that. It's something else. a stupid nickname wouldn't keep me from going to practice. plus, tendou, you and Ushijima are coming to my dorm after school so you can just wait. and taichi we literally share a dorm you know whats wrong stop acting stupid.

Ripoffhisoka: oh-

Taichi: wow ouch

Suga: :(

DrSetter: sorry suga i just don't feel like talking about it right now

Suga: okay. That's understandable. I care about you, don't forget that

DrSetter: whatever. just focus in class everyone. suga i might be able to call you later if you want

Suga: Okay!! Bye guys

Ripoffhisoka: bye bye~

Taichi: bye

Suga: wait where is Ushijima-

Ripoffhisoka: oh the teacher took his phone. he sucks at hiding his phone while texting-

Suga: oh okay


Fuck Oikawa

1:09 pm

Semisemi: wait wtf is happening with Shirabu-

Ripoffhisoka: something

Taichi: something

Heyatoe: what is happening though-

DrSetter: i might tell you later Yamagata.

Heyatoe: Okay, you don't have to though.

Semisemi: oh so you'll tell him but not me? okay then.

DrSetter: yeah, i might tell him because i don't hate him

Semisemi: what did i do to you?

DrSetter: -_-

Semisemi: ?

Ripoffhisoka: i-

Ripoffhisoka: anyways

Ripoffhisoka: have i talked about how adorable and perfect my Wakatoshi is?

Semisemi: ok bye.

DrSetter: Tendou I think you should just focus on class.

Ripoffhisoka: ugh fiiine


A/N: hi okay here's chapter 2. I know it sucks but whatever lmao. Thank you for reading, if you have any suggestions at all please comment them lol. Have an amazing day!!!! -Raven

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