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Shirabu was sitting in his second to last class of the day and he could barely focus at all. His thoughts were focused on his boyfriend.

It was currently Tuesday, two days after Semi's father yelled at him, and Semi and Shirabu had not seen each other once. They had texted, having a few dry conversations, but all they said were simple "how are you" and "I love you". 

Shirabu couldn't help but worry about his boyfriend's mental health. Semi had skipped both school and practice for the past two days and hasn't even left his dorm room for anything, even when Shirabu asked him to come over. 

Semi was going to graduate in two months, yet he has been avoiding school. Even though Shirabu has only communicated with Semi through text, he can tell how stressed, tired, and upset  Semi is. It hurts him to know that his boyfriend is in pain and he can't seem to help him at all. 

Shirabu was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt his phone buzz. He looked up to see that his teacher was facing the other way, writing on the board, so he checked his phone and saw that Semi had texted him.



1:45 pm

Semisemi: Hey so, I know that you're in class right now but, after you go to practice tonight, can you maybe stop by my dorm? I want to talk to you about something.

DrSetter: yeah, of course 

Read 1:46 pm

DrSetter: are you okay though?

Read 1:52 pm


It had been around an hour since Shirabu had received Semi's text. Shirabu was now at the end of his last class of the day, and he was debating on going to practice or not. 

While he knew that he really shouldn't miss practice, he also was extremely concerned about Semi and wanted to see him as soon as possible. He missed Semi, and wanted to support him however he could.

Shirabu groaned and laid his head down on the table on top of his paper. He has never been this distracted in class before. All he wants to do right now is hold Semi and be there for him. He just wants him to be happy. 

Shirabu felt himself start to get anxious, getting even more and more worried about Semi as the minutes went on. 

Shirabu was shaking slightly, and his breathing slowly became uneven. 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself down, and he grabbed his pencil and started fiddling with it, trying to distract himself. 

What does he need to talk to me about? Why did he leave me on read? Is he upset with me?  Did I do something wrong? Am I a bad boyfriend?

Shirabu shook his head slightly, trying to get those thoughts out of his head. He focused on the pencil in his hand, attempting to distract himself until class is over.

After a few minutes, Shirabu heard his teacher say, "Alright, class dismissed." 

Shirabu immediately got up, grabbed his bag, and walked straight out of the classroom, heading straight to the volleyball gym.

Calm down, you're just overreacting. 

He knew that he needed to calm himself down before going to talk to Semi. He needed to talk to someone and clear his thoughts so that he stays calm while talking with Semi. 

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