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TW: Homophobia, fighting, parents arguing


There was silence in the room, they were all hoping that he wouldn't come home at this time. Shirabu glanced over at Semi to see his eyes wide and it looked like he was going to start freaking out. 

"Well? Is anyone going to answer me?" Semi's dad growled, getting even more irritated at the silence, and starting to walk angrily forward towards the three that were sitting at the table.

Semi's mom stood up and walked over to where her husband was standing in order to keep him away from Semi and Shirabu, "Well, I was having a conversation with our son and his boyfriend," She explained, letting her anger start to take over, "What have you been doing for the past week? I've been waiting for you to come back."

He glared at her, "I needed a break. I still won't believe that my son is gay. He has to be confused." He glared over at Semi and Shirabu, causing Shirabu to get angry. 

Shirabu glanced over to Semi to see him staring at the ground in front of him, it seemed as if he was trying to block out what was happening. Shirabu grabbed Semi's hand again to try and support him and provide comfort.

This snapped Semi out of whatever trance he was in, and he looked up at Shirabu. Shirabu could see the panic in Semi's eyes, which freaked him out a little bit. He hated seeing Semi like this. Shirabu glanced back over at Semi's parents, who were still arguing. 

"At least I'm actually trying to be there for our kid. He needs support from his parents and all you did was yell at him and leave for a week! How the hell does that help with anything?!" Semi's mother yelled at her husband.

Semi's father keeps glaring at her, "You're being a horrible mother, you think that you're helping him, but you aren't! You're teaching him that it is okay to be that way, but it's not! He's just being a dumb fucking teenager, there is no way in hell he is in love with that boy!" He yelled back, pointing to Shirabu who was attempting to calm Semi down.

Shirabu made eye contact with Semi's father and glared at him. He didn't want to join in the argument in case he somehow made it worse. He looked back at Semi, he has to focus on him right now.

Semi's mother glared at her husband once more, "The two look so happy together! You haven't even stopped to at least listen to them. Shirabu Kenjirou makes our son happy. He makes him happy, and that's all that matters to me now. If we were to try and force Eita to date a girl, that would only make him upset. Eita would hate us, do you want that?! Do you want him to despise you for the rest of his life and then cut you out of his life once he's able to?!" She yelled, hoping she could get him to understand at least a little bit.

Semi's father was visibly getting angrier and angrier as the conversation went on, "He won't hate me once he realizes that I'm right! Being gay is a fucking sin and he needs to learn that. Once he understands that properly, he won't hate me!"

"What the hell kind of logic is that?! If you want your son to love you, all you have to do is support him. Be there for him. And don't judge him for his sexuality." She yelled back, getting tired of arguing with him. 

He just glared at her once more, angrily taking another step towards her, "There is no way in hell that I can support him if he is fucking gay! There is no fucking way that he loves that boy right there! That's not fucking normal!" He yelled, pointing across the room at Shirabu.

Shirabu tried to ignore his anger, trying to focus on giving Semi support in this moment. He knows how hard it is to hear your parents screaming about you right in front of you, he knows exactly what Semi is feeling. As much as he wanted to go slap Semi's father, he knew that would make the situation way worse. 

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