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Shirabu's POV

     I should've just gone to practice and school. It would've made today a lot better. I should've just pretended that I'm fine. I don't need anyone to worry about me. I don't wanna deal with people constantly checking up on me asking 'what's wrong?' and 'are you okay?' 

     Even if I explained it to some people they wouldn't understand. They would probably hate me. I want to be able to tell some of them what's wrong, but I just can't risk anyone hating me. Especially after what happened when I tried explaining it to my father. 

     Today probably would've been better if i just sucked it up and left this stupid dorm. I wouldn't be stuck here with my thoughts only. Maybe school would've been the best distraction. Damnit, I really am an idiot.

     I lay down in hopes of falling asleep and not waking up for hours. Laying here doing nothing isn't helping at all though. Thoughts fill my head. Some about volleyball, some about school, but mainly all I could think about is Semi. I can't believe I have a crush on that asshole. I don't even know why or how. I just really like him. He never leaves my head. I'm constantly thinking about him. Just random things about him, his eyes and his hair. Stuff like that. 

     He's probably an amazing hugger. He has strong arms and he just seems like the type to give good hugs. Damn, now i want to hug him. Holding his hand would be great. Just standing next to him and holding his hand. That's what I want. He is probably a great kisser as well-

     Suddenly my phone buzzes. I look down to see that it's my mom. Oh boy.

Mom: Hey Kenjirou sweetie, one of your friends texted me telling me that you didn't go to volleyball practice, and that you skipped all of your classes today. Are you alright?

Kenjirou: yeah i'm fine. who texted you though??

Mom: He said his name was Semi? Semi Eita? Apparently he got my number from little Goshiki!

Kenjirou: Oh. Semi. Okay.

Mom: What about him? Do you not like him? Is he mean to you? Do I have to kill him? I will kill him if I have to.

Kenjirou: Jesus, you sound just like Suga right now-

Mom: Oh isn't Suga the one from the red team??

Kenjirou: No mom, that's Kenma. Suga is from Karasuno.

Mom: Ohhh okay. I just wanted to check up on you though. It's not weird for you to skip your classes occasionally but you usually do whatever you can to not skip volleyball, so I was worried. Also which one is Semi?? I don't remember who he is.

Kenjirou: I told you mom, i'm fine. It's just the usual stuff. Also Semi is the other setter. The third year.

Mom: Do you need me to buy you anything? Have you eaten today?

Kenjirou: yeah mom. I'm fine, I have eaten so don't worry about that. and no you don't need to buy me anything im fine. 

Mom: Oh okay. Bye Bye sweetie, I have to get back to work, make sure to get some sleep. I love you!!!

Kenjirou: Love you too mom.

     I sigh as I set my phone down. I guess both Goshiki and Semi are next to die. Who gave Goshiki the right to give my mom's number to Semi of all people? He should of at least texted me asking if it was okay. And what the actual fuck was Semi thinking when he decided to text my mom? Why does he even care enough to get her number? Maybe so he can get her to tell him embarrassing stories about me so that he can make fun of me. Yup. Definitely that.

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