Welcome to Despair

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(and welcome to the story. Thought I'd finally try making a fanfic myself, at least as a fun little project, and see where it goes. I'm not a story writer, though a friend of mine is. I may have gotten some tips from them on how to go about this. To whoever comes across this, hope [yeah, I went there lol] you all enjoy.)

+What's what+

Y/N - your name

L/N - your last name

♪ words ♪ - music change
                    (song/video title)

(Not much to this section yet, but since it will come up again later, thought I might as well right?)

♪ Suikoden V - Despair and Hope ♪

(??? POV)

(7:01 a.m.)

I must admit, I thought the trip getting to here would've been a helluva lot worse than it actually was. Just going through the city to go a few blocks away can be a bit much for me. Thankfully, hardly anyone seemed to be out and about, well, as many as usual anyway. I was at least expecting the other students I'd be joining to cross paths with me, but I suppose that was the point of getting here this early. I did see someone ahead, standing in front of the entrance gate to the school that loomed over us. Perhaps they're a part of my class? Who knows.

I decided to take my time and walk the path slowly, in part secretly hoping that whoever was at the entrance gate who just go in already, but mostly because I wanted to take in the scenery surrounding us. The path itself isn't some off-beat nature trail or anything of the sort, yet because of the distance between the entrance gate of the school to the exit leading back to the city, along with the forest and it's wildlife that surrounded the sides of the path and school dampening the usual suspect sounds of the city behind me, I have to admit the walk along this path was very relaxing for me. Odd that such a path should be here, leading to a place that I imagine most would be rather intimidated by, the esteemed Hope's Peak Academy.

???: "Though I suppose at this rate, you're more curious about who I am as opposed to the path we're on, huh?"

??????: "H-Huh?"

I looked at the school itself as I continued. Though I couldn't see what the boy now next to me was doing, I could feel his gaze into my form.

???: "Of course now that I say that out loud, that must have sounded deeper than I had meant it to. And why would you be curious about that anyway? It's not like you could read my thoughts to know the conversation I was basically having with myself, not that that's impossible knowing that the other students that will be here are supposed 'ultimates.' Maybe one, or even more than one of them, is some sort of ultimate psychic or something crazy like that and I'm rambling aren't I?"

??????: "...uh?"

See, this is why me and social interaction go together like water and oil, and why I was hoping he had just move his ass on and got into the school already, instead of having to deal with me. I either talk too much or don't talk enough and just make things awkward for everyone involved. But I can't help myself sometimes, especially in this case. I finally looked at him, though I couldn't meet his gaze. I've...always had trouble with that unless it's someone I'm close to, or unless I had to. Instead I looked at the bridge of his nose. Close enough that most people can't tell the difference unless they're particularly perceptive.

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