To Survive - Neveryday Life

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(Welcome back, readers. We've finally got to the deadly life phase, Neveryday Life, the first murder, and a new murder at that. This, of course, will mean a new case to investigate coming up after the students 'briefing' on how things go from here. Some of you may be wondering "Why Hina?" Others may be wondering "WHY HINA!? HOW COULD YOU, AUTHOR!?" lol. For now, I'll simply say I have my reasons, ones that will be brought to light soon enough. As usual, hope you enjoy.)

(Day 5)

(Makoto POV)

(8:40 a.m.)




When I opened my eyes, I found myself staring at a huge ceiling. It was a ceiling I remember seeing before. And when I sat up, I saw two people looking at me. Again, they were two I had seen before.

Sayaka: "Ah! You're awake! Are you okay Makoto?"

Y/N: "Hope so, because now's no time for sleeping. C'mon."

Makoto: "Huh...?"

Y/N stuck his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he helped me get up from where I was laying, which was the bleacher seats. After he had got me up, I looked around to find the others here with us in the gym.

Y/N: "You were unconscious. Mondo had to carry you back here. I would have done it myself, but...well..."

Mondo: "Hey, don't worry about that. It's no surprise, considering what happened."

Makoto: "What...happened...?"

Turns out, I didn't even need to ask. The moment I did, it all came rushing back to me. Y/N's scream, the image of Hina, they both tried to break me once more. My head held such a sharp pain, it felt as if my mind had been stabbed by the memories themselves.

Makoto: "Gh-! Grraaah!"

Sayaka: "H-Hey, are you okay!?"

Makoto: "So it wasn't a dream? What I was...real...?"

Y/N: "..."

Byakuya: "That's right. It really did happen. Aoi dead."

♪ Weekly Despair Magazine - Danganronpa: THH ♪

Makoto: "...!"

A deep, dark despair worked its way through my body, and then exploded out of me. I shot up and took off running. As I ran past him, Taka tried to grab ahold of my hand, but...

Taka: "Hey, where do you think you're going-?"

Makoto: "Let go of me!"

Taka: "Ah!"

I ripped my arm away from him and tried to keep going, though I can't say for sure why at this point. Maybe I still just...couldn't believe it, couldn't accept that she's...s-she's...!

Byakuya: "You can check once, twice, a thousand times. The girl is completely and irrevocably dead."

Makoto: "No! I have to see for myself! I have to see if Hina is...! If she really-!"

(N)everyday Life (Danganronpa THH x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now