To Mingle (part 2) - Electric Boogaloo

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(Welcome back, readers. Two apologies I have to make before we dive back in. First, to the readers currently following the book, as opposed to those who'll start later, sorry it took so long to get this chapter out compared to earlier chapters. I waited about a week and a half for a response to the questions asked and didn't get an answer, so I went with my own. Beyond that, irl problems can be a real boot to the head. Second, to those who read the beginning of the last chapter, I have bad news, but thankfully also good news. Bad news is despite what I had said last chapter, this one won't contain the first motive, for length reasons. Good news is that it will be in the next, which has already been worked out. It shouldn't take more than a day, maybe two, after this posting to get the next one properly formatted and ready to post. Apologies again, and enjoy.)

🎥 (English) Danganronpa Dialogue - Monokuma's Nighttime Announcement 🎥

(And assuming it doesn't show up for YouTube reasons, here it is again. AGAIN. lol)

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: "Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..."

(Day 3)


(10:00 p.m.)

It's been three days since we've found ourselves trapped within the halls of Hope's Peak Academy, and with the fourth soon to come. I was laying down in my bed, thinking about the past few days and everything that happened...

(Day 2)

(3:16 p.m.)

I've been spending some of my free time in my room after what happened with Mondo in the gym. I think I have a decent approach to how I want to talk to him about his nervous habit, when the time comes for us to hang out again, that is. I would do so now, but I know he won't be keen to talking about it so soon. I just hope he's not beating himself up over what happened, he doesn't deserve that.

I also have an approach in mind for telling everyone about myself and addressing the concerns they may have about me, but it's...odd. Honestly, I thought they would be more inquisitive about their concerns than they have been, but no one's really brought it up too much. Not only that, but other than Byakuya, I haven't been called out or shunned for being different or weird or anything like that here. I know the people here aren't like the ones from the grade schools I used to go to, so I shouldn't expect repeating trends, but my, my fear and anxiety keeps trying to convince me otherwise...

*Ding dong*

And yet reminders like this tell me no, that's wrong. It's all in my head. I'm pretty thankful to have that...for now. I got up from my bed, walked over to and opened the door. I would've asked from the other side who it was, but since the rooms are soundproof, that would be pointless. There's also no door viewer to see out of, so you never know who it could be...or their intent.

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