Alone - Everyday Life

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(Welcome back, readers. Well, here we are. The first motive. I will say this ahead of time - I'm quite proud of this chapter. This one's the main reason why it took as long as it did to get both this and the last chapter out. As corny as it will sound, I had some darkness I needed to get out of my system, in a tasteful way of course. Don't ask what, you won't get an answer. Anyway, I actually worked on this one before the last and several points used in the last chapter help to connect this one, as well as, perhaps, connecting to you, the reader, in some way. If it doesn't, that's okay. If it does...well, sorry not sorry. always, hope you enjoy.)

(Day 4)


(7:00 a.m.)

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: "Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

♪ Beautiful Morning - Danganronpa: THH ♪

I woke up to the irritating sound of Monokuma's voice, sat up in my bed and stretched my arms. I'm starting to truly hate the idea of getting used to that thing being our alarm clock. No, wait...yup. Already do. I'm about to get up out of bed, when I hear another sound that's slowly becoming routine as well.

*Ding dong*

The doorbell. For someone to be this early though, I could make a few guesses as to who it is. I got up, opened the door and found one of the people I expected to find.

Taka: "A fantastic morning, isn't it?"

Y/N: "Depends on who you ask, I suppose."

By that, I mean NONE OF US. I know he's trying to be his usual model student self, to help keep the peace in his own way, but we're in a killing game. How fantastic can your morning be?

Taka: "Now then, if you'll pardon the interruption!"

Y/N: "I'd rather you not-"

He didn't care. He barged in past me anyway. This had better be quick.

Taka: "Y/N, no matter how intensely the stormy seas may batter me, I will not fall as long as my feet are firmly feel the same, right?"

Y/N: "..."

Taka: "...and if you can't do it alone, just find someone to support you, and you can support them back. That's how you can overcome any storm!"

Y/N: "...Taka. Not that I don't agree, but please. Get to the point."

Taka: "Yes, well...I was thinking about it last night, and...I decided we all need to really come together - and that was when I realized...every morning from now on, after the morning announcement, everyone should have breakfast together!"

Y/N: "..."

Taka: "And now is the beginning of that fateful day! Please head to the dining hall at your earliest convenience! That's all for now. I have to go let everyone else know the good news!"

Y/N: "Mmm. Don't be surprised if someone punches you for it."

Taka didn't even listen. Not even waiting for a reply, he turned and left. I wouldn't be surprised if we find him again with a black eye. I sighed to myself and got ready to head out. Once I was out, I seen a few others were Taka's prey before me, in the hallways leading to our forced destination. Closest one being...

(N)everyday Life (Danganronpa THH x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now