School Life of Mystery - Everyday Life

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(Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and Welcome Back to all readers! [the others have to play catch up lol] Whatever you celebrate, celebrate to the fullest! Speaking of things worth celebrating over, our hopeful students are moving up in the world. The second floor of Hope's Peak to be exact. And with a new floor comes new opportunities - like new Free Time Events! I will do as I did last time and ask you all to comment who you want our reader character to spend time with. [maybe I'll get requests this time XP ] There will be several FTE's before we get to the nitty gritty of it, and I'm quite curious what direction you all think I should go with so many potential options still available. Whatever your choice may be, read on and enjoy.)

"So...this is the second floor."

Sayaka: "It's rather

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Sayaka: "It's, isn't it?"


Sayaka: "..."


(Day 6)

(Makoto POV)

(8:36 a.m.)


Awkward, I know.

♪ Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney - Suspicion ♪

When we left the gym earlier, most of the others all went back to their rooms to change out of their costumes. Before they did, Taka had 'suggested' that it was of the utmost importance to double-check the areas we already know about on the first floor, just in case. As impressed with himself for having the idea as he was, I'm sure most of the others had planned to, or at least thought about doing that already, seeing as some of the doors that had once been sealed off are now open. Even I noticed that when I had to change into that stupid egg shell earlier. Either way, the others should be busy with that...

Makoto: "..."

Sayaka: "..."

...which leads to the awkward silence we found ourselves in now, alongside the people that didn't feel like changing out of their costumes, or didn't need to in my case. All those that remained to start with the search of the second floor were myself, Y/N, Celeste, and of course, Sayaka. Why couldn't she have gone to change too? Of all people...

Makoto: "..."

Sayaka: "..."

Celeste: "So? Are we going to begin investigating before the others arrive, or are we all just going to stand around in inane silence?"

(N)everyday Life (Danganronpa THH x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now