Welcome to DIE

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(X-Men Arcade references.
Welcome back readers. Just need to say ahead of time. Compared to the first chapter, this one's a real doozy of a read. Two chapter ideas put into one, but I wanted to get to revealing the reader character's talent, a hint about the reason he thinks/feels the way he does, and of course what he looks like [though you can always fill that blank in yourself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ] This chapter also serves to move past the prologue. With all that in mind, hope you enjoy.)

+What's what+

🎥 words 🎥 - video to watch (if available)




...what...are these...?



I...I don't...



(Day 1)


(Time n/a)

Y/N: ".....ugh...w-wha..."

♪ An Uneasy Atmosphere ~ VS Arrange ver. - Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright ♪

After who knows how long, my eyes fluttered open, the sight waiting to greet me...wood? Pulling my head up, I find the sight belonged to the hard wooden desk that I, for some reason, was sitting at...was I asleep?

Y/N: "That would explain the dream I had, but what even was that about? Who were those people?"

The images I saw, the people in them, as far as I could tell, I had never met them before. Even if I did, they went by so fast, I couldn't even clearly see the images proper...well that doesn't really matter right now. The real question is...what happened that made me just fall asleep? When did I...no.

Y/N: "No...I didn't fall asleep. I fell unconscious."

It certainly wouldn't be the first time that's happened, and surely won't be the last...but why? What made me...!!!

Y/N: "Wait! I wasn't alone! That kid that was with me...Makoto! Where is...uhhhh???"

Finally I looked away from the desk I was sitting at...only to find myself in what was probably the most bizarre classroom I had ever seen. The room's wallpaper looked almost like blue camouflage, teal, light blue, and dark blue streaks surrounding the room unevenly and without any clear pattern. I've always hated seeing weird, nonsensical patterns like this. It was as if it's very existence was challenging me to find a picture within the picture, like those Magic Eye optical illusion pictures, except I knew picture-ception wasn't happening here, this was just a mess.

(N)everyday Life (Danganronpa THH x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now