To Mingle - Everyday Life

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(Welcome back, readers. This time around I thought it would be good to get our reader character to meet with some more of the other students before we get into the thick of things. It won't be long until then, don't you worry. I intend for the chapter after this to get into our first motive, as well as some free time. So question for y'all - who do you think our reader character should spend time with? I have one event idea planned already, but two other free time events are up in the air. Comment on two people you'd like to see, and of course, enjoy.)

(The 'polls' for voting for this arc's free time events are over, obvs, but you can still comment on who you want to see for later arcs, assuming they're still alive of course.)

🎥 (English) Danganronpa Dialogue - Monokuma's Morning Announcement 🎥

(And assuming it doesn't show up for YouTube reasons, here it is again.)

*Ding dong, bing bong*

Monokuma: "Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

(Day 2)

(Makoto POV)

(7:00 a.m.)

Apparently, it's morning...but thanks to the total lack of windows, there's no way to know for sure...I was truly hoping when I would wake up that I'd be back home, back living my normal life, and that all of...this...was just a dream. It'd be kind of lame as far as endings go, though at this point, I'd take lame. Actually, that'd be the best...but I guess things can't always go so smoothly, huh? Anyway, what should I do now? Maybe I should go find Sayaka, and we can figure out where to go to from here together. She *did* say she's my assistant now...


We just got back to the rest of the group, as they were deciding where all we should investigate. Me and Sayaka teamed up and went to the dining hall to look around. On the way there, I told her what Sakura, Mondo, and I found out about the dorms and dropping Y/N off at his room. When I mentioned his name, she seemed to tense up. I could tell she was worried about him. She's not alone. After what had happened to him, I was too. I tried my best to reassure her that he was okay, though I honestly didn't know any better than anyone else. She seemed to appreciate it, at least the gesture, if nothing else.

Sayaka: "By the way, Makoto..."

Makoto: "Huh? What is it?"

Sayaka: "W-Well, it's just...I know this is kind of continuing the self-introduction thing, but I wanted to ask you something."

Makoto: "Continuing our self-introductions?"

Sayaka: "We kinda got cut off before, but I had a question I wanted to ask you."

Makoto: "Oh, what's that?"

Sayaka: "Makoto...did you happen to go to Blackroot Junior High? Were you class 2?"

Makoto: "Y-Yeah, actually...I was."

(N)everyday Life (Danganronpa THH x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now