Behind the Curtain - Neveryday Life

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(Welcome back, readers. First things first, apologies for the delay for those actively reading/following. This chapter should have come much sooner than it did, and even though I try not to set strict deadlines or aim for particular release dates, [anymore lol] it still shouldn't have taken this long. Funny enough, it wasn't even a matter of writer's block or anything like that. I simply got that distracted anytime I was trying to work. Still, though I can't promise it, I'd like to make sure that the next chapter comes much sooner.

Despite this, thankfully, I guess I'm doing something right. At the time of this posting, this story has reached over 2k reads. Honestly, that was pretty unexpected for me, and of course all kinds of awesome! Credit where credit is most certainly due, Carter-25 lead a raid for people to check my story out. Check out his books as thanks to him. He's got some good stuff, including his own Dangangrandpa book lol. And of course, thanks to all of you that stick around here for more. I'll do my best to not disappoint.

With all that out of the way, it's time to proceed with the investigation. Can you figure out who is most sus? Read on, find out, and as always, hope you enjoy.)


♪ Danganronpa - BOX 15 ♪

(Day 5)

(Makoto POV)

(9:18 a.m.)

We had just arrived at Y/N's dorm room. Mondo and Sakura were there already on guard duty as we had discussed in the gym. The others must have taken a look around here already, or are exploring somewhere else. When we got inside, Kyoko immediately walked over to Hina's...body *shudder* and examined it. Meanwhile, Y/N walked over to a small round table which had various objects sitting on top of it and looked through them, while Chihiro talked with Mondo and Sakura. It was a little unsettling, seeing everyone jump right in to the investigation like this. Maybe a part of me still didn't want to believe that this is happening to us...

Sayaka: "Don't worry Makoto."

Makoto: "H-Huh?"

Sayaka: "We'll figure this out somehow, and I'll be with you the whole way. Like I told you before, just think of me as your Ultimate Assistant!"

Makoto: "My...assistant..."

Sayaka: "Yup, so let's do our best, okay? For Hina!"

Makoto: "...yeah. Yeah! We got this!"

We can't just deny the reality of our situation, I know that. And I know thinking otherwise won't help, nor will it get us any closer to finding the truth. All I have to do is find out who did it...who really killed Hina. I just have to, because if we can't find them, we'll all die. I can't let that happen...I won't let things turn out the way Monokuma wants!

I started with getting a good look at the room itself first with Sayaka. So, this is the scene of the crime...?

Makoto: "I have to say, it seems pretty tidy in here for being a place where someone was attacked and killed. It doesn't seem like anything was knocked over or damaged. So I guess there wasn't much of a struggle...?"

(N)everyday Life (Danganronpa THH x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now