Dead on Time - Everyday Life

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(Welcome back, readers, and Happy early 🇮🇪 St. Patrick's Day. [at the time of first writing this, of course] Whether it be the day dedicated to our Irish Saint of the immaculate liquid courage or any other day in your (N)everyday life, don't forget to be responsible while raising some hell, lol. Anyway, not much to say this time on book stuff. Really like how I did the last chapter, put a lot into that one. This one too, but for a different reason, which you'll see soon enough. So grab yourself some good ol' Irish grub, or a pint...or five,
🍻🥴 and enjoy.)






Makoto: "Sayaka! Calm down!"

Sayaka: "...!"

Makoto: "I understand. I know how you feel right now. We all do. When I think what might have happened to my family...but now, more than ever, we have to stay calm! This is exactly what they want. They *want* us to lose our composure and stop thinking rationally. Think about it, those videos have to be fake! Because if those things really had happened, people out there would be in an uproar. Our families, the police, everyone! Right?"

Sayaka: "..."

Makoto: "So let's just calm down, okay? Otherwise, we've already lost."




There's no way I can be calm after seeing those videos! What am I even supposed to think anymore!? Y/N said everyone else's loved ones are probably alive, but how could he say that like he knows!? He didn't see our videos! He didn't see mine!

There's no way I can be calm after seeing those videos! What am I even supposed to think anymore!? Y/N said everyone else's loved ones are probably alive, but how could he say that like he knows!? He didn't see our videos! He didn't see mine!

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(Day 4)

(Sayaka POV)

(9:24 p.m.)

♪ Despair Syndrome - Remix Cover (Danganronpa) ♪

Even if what happened to his loved ones was worse, so much worse...I...I can't just ignore my video, what I'd seen! The people most important to me...the place where I with my friends from our idol group...! Kino, Rini, Satomi, Ayaka...if they're really gone...then there would meaning to me anymore...

(N)everyday Life (Danganronpa THH x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now