Monokuma Theater!?

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♪ Mr. Monokuma's Lesson - Danganronpa: THH  ♪

Monokuma: "Didn't think this section would happen in the story, did ya? You should know better! Mr. Monokuma needs to get his time in with ALL of his hopelessly lovely students! That includes all of you 'innocent', corruptible readers out there too! So..."

"Welcome to Monokuma Theater!"



*cricket chirps*



Monokuma: "... *ahem* now, the killing game has begun in spec-TAC-ular fashion! I'm just so full of pride and joy, with how well everything has gone so far! Even if it took longer than expected to really get the shotput ball rolling, our entrance ceremony, the motives, the betrayals, the despair, it's all been absolutely splendid so far!

Even the despair from you all is just oh so delicious, knowing that there's even more to come on the horizon! I mean, who would've thought that She-Rulk would make the first move? (Yes, Rulk, not Hulk, look it up!) Against her bestie, of all people! Even I didn't expect that, and it's all because you made that difference happen! Connecting, bonding with, and trying to protect your fellow classmates just opens the way to whole new roads to despair! After all, the killing game will never be stopped! The best you can do is change the course of the killings!

Who kills who, who will be victims, who else will realize that no matter how hard they try, they can't cut their ties with the outside world. Heck, it may even be you one day! No matter who you are or what kind of life you've lead up to now, that urge to do anything and everything it takes to get what you need is within everyone! Every one of you gentle snowflakes that call yourselves human have that urge within you that just needs that little extra push, that spark that starts a roaring, raging fire that just can't be quelled! Phew! Thank goodness I was born a bear! I just don't know if I could handle that kind of pressure...

Speaking of thanks, it's for that spark inside of each and every one of you that I can say - thank you all very much! It's because of all of you that this is all possible! You being here makes this killing game SO much more interesting! And I swear to you, I will send you and all of the other vermin and sheeple here off into a new tomorrow! With that in mind, let me leave you with these words of wisdom.

When tragedy closes a door, hope opens a window. So save on energy costs by giving up hope!


(So, if it's not obvious already, this is a quick, little in-between chapter for the story. Now that we've gotten through the 'To Survive' arc of the story, I thought now would be the best time for this, as well as other notes and updates for the progression of the story since I haven't really done an author's notes for the last two chapters. It's about time that changed.

To start with, at the time of this writing, over 10k - 10 freaking thousand people - have looked into or read this book, with 300+ votes, high rankings with several tags, and plenty of commentary. It really is a helluva feeling for me, having so many people even slightly interested in looking into this little project of mine, commenting and questioning how things can/could have played out, what certain events can build up to, and more. It really does mean a lot to me, so sincerely, thank you all so *so* much.

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