Boy's Life of Despair - Everyday Life

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(Welcome back readers, and Happy [belated, by a week XP] Halloween! Since it's the season of spooks and frights, Wynaut have some fun with that and add a spook or two here? Hee hee hee...along with that, I decided to do a sort of 'costume contest' with the cast. Hope you enjoy, and may all your future trick-or-treating candy hauls be MONSTROUS!!)




Y/N: "...I still can't believe they're both really gone..."

(Day 6)


(Time n/a)

Hina and Sakura, in the span of a day, were both taken away from us. The silver cord, the fragile thread that once bound them to this world, had been cruelly severed. Worse, I could have prevented this from happening...if I had just taken that stupid medicine...!

Y/N: "Dammit! If I had done that, Hina would never have given up hope, and Sakura No, I can't afford to be thinking like that. I can't let another tragedy like this happen again!"

"...ₕᴀ...ʰₐ ʜₐᴀ ₕʰᵃ..."

Y/N: "What the? Who...?"

I sat up from my bed and scanned my surroundings. I know for a fact I locked my door this time before I went to sleep yesterday. I even triple checked it the moment I entered my dorm, so no one should be in here. The monitor isn't turned on either. So then, where the hell did that laughing come from? And why did the voice sound so broken and so full of malice?

"...ɪᵗ'ˢ ᵧᴏᵤʳ ᶠₐᵤʟₜ ʏᵒᵤ ᵏⁿₒᴡ...ᶦᴛ'ₛ ʏᵒᵘʀ ғᵃᵘₗᴛ ᵐₑ ₐⁿᴅ ᵐᵧ ʙᵉˢᵗ ᶠᵣᵢₑₙᴅ ₐᵣₑ ᴅᵉᵃᴅ..."

♪ Trepidation - 999 OST ♪


My body tensed as I finally recognized that voice, and where it came from...but, it shouldn't be possible to hear *that* voice...and it shouldn't be coming from the floor...! Slowly, anxiously, I leaned to the right side of my bed and looked down to find...exactly what I feared would be next to my bed.

An impossibility somehow made possible.

Another nightmare made real.

A corpse...made living.

Hina(!?): "ʸ/ᴺ...ʜₒʷ...ₕᵒᴡ ᴄₒᵤₗᴅ ᵧᴏᵘ ʟᵉₜ ᵗₕᵢₛ ʜᵃᵖᴘᵉₙ ᵗᴏ ₘᵉ...ᴛₒ ᵤₛ...?"

Her head turned limply with a complimentary, clearly audible crack as she spoke to me, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head. This...this assault to reality itself makes no fucking sense! It shouldn't be possible, for more than one reason!


Monokuma: "Sorry, I said everything I've got to say in that regard! I need to save some of the fun for later! Oh, and before I forget - since the class trial is over, I'll go ahead and dispose of all the corpses! It's okay, no need to thank me! Just seeing your delighted, smiling faces is thanks enough for me! After all, nobody wants to look at a rotting corpse every day! That can't be good for your health!"

(N)everyday Life (Danganronpa THH x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now