6//the heroes of Paris

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As soon as Miles and Autumn arrive, they see that Lady Noire is captured by the red scarf of the villain, she's completely wrapped in it, unable to move. Autumn already states that's where the akuma must be.

Aside from Lady Noire and the akuma, they see a lot of interviewers and cameramen making photos for a scoop. Miles immediately starts live-streaming for the LadyBlog.

"Everyone is waiting for Ladybug to show up, but are we even sure that a Ladybug is part of the new heroes? The last Ladybug died and we don't know how their power is passed on." Miles narrates, zooming in on Lady Noire and the villain with his camera. Autumn starts feeling a bit anxious, if it's true that the last Ladybug died, does that mean she could die too? She doesn't want to die.

"I'm sure we'll know in a few minutes who the other hero is. Let's just- watch out!" Autumn starts, but gets interrupted by the villain attacking them. Autumn pushes Miles out of the way, which results in her getting wrapped in the scarf. "Great." She mumbles sarcastically, now she has to find a way to escape before she can help as Ladybug.

Lady Noire sees it all happen and even though she wants to be mad at Autumn for interfering in a dangerous situation, she knows this is how Autumn is, this is how she's always been. She would do anything to protect the people she cares about, there was even a time El was one of those people.

"I hate the media. They're always trying to get to the top, no matter who they hurt in the process!" The villain shouts, scaring off most of the press. Only Miles and a few others stay to capture the happenings on camera.

"Why are you so angry? I might be able to help you." Autumn says, getting annoyed looks by not only the villain, but Lady Noire too.

"Can you at least try to not make her angrier? I'm already having a hard time without my partner." Autumn is a bit surprised by the way Lady Noire reacts, she seemed nice when they defeated that villain yesterday, but now she seems bold and uncaring.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but your partner isn't here yet. And since I care about my life, I'd rather find a way to escape this scarf." Autumn snaps.

"Fine, do whatever you want. But once Ladybug shows up, she'll help the both of us escape and you'll find a way to get out of here as quick as possible, deal?" Lady Noire gives in, Autumn nods. She's surprised at how much faith Lady Noire has put in Ladybug, since they've only met each other once before.

"So, what happened and why are you so mad?" Autumn asks. The villain is still annoyed by the question, but doesn't mind answering it.

"Media is everywhere, you can get photographed or filmed any time of the day. And people don't care how other people look in those pictures. As long as they look good, it's okay to post it. This morning, a scoop was posted online with a picture in it. I was in the background, crying on a bench because of some personal issues. When that scoop came online, everyone started making fun of me. Media ruins everything!"

Autumn nods, she recognises the issue. Her foster parents are one of the richest families in Paris and people frequently show up for an interview. She gets photographed too without her own consent, it's her parents that allow those pictures to be published.

"I know how it feels like to have cursed pictures of yourself posted all over the internet. It's hard to deal with every comment you get, especially when you're not aware nor prepared for it. So I'm really sorry for what happened to you, but I'm begging you to not react your anger towards those innocent citizens, they've done nothing wrong to you."

It might not be enough to convince the villain to stop, but it's enough for the villain to get distracted and for Lady Noire to break free by grabbing and extending her stick. The villain accidentally drops Autumn too when she focuses on what happens with Lady Noire. Lady Noire uses her extended stick to make her way over to Autumn, grab her and put her down safely.

"Find a place to hide and don't return until me and Ladybug have defeated the villain. Same goes for all other bystanders; get out of here!" Lady Noire raises her voice, making sure everyone has heard her.

Autumn obeys and leaves for an alley. Tikki comes flying out "That was really risky, Autumn." She says, Autumn nods.

"I know, but I couldn't let the villain grab Miles. Besides, now that I split up with him, I can help fight as Ladybug. Tikki, spots on!"

Ladybug returns to the battlefield as soon as possible, she signals to Lady Noire to let her know that she's here. Lady Noire extends her stick and lands next to Ladybug, still fighting.

"I'm glad to see you, but what took you so long?"

"All I can say is that my alter ego had some difficulty coming here. But for now, what's the situation?"

"The villain got akumatized because of her anger towards the media and the akuma is in her scarf."

Ladybug nods "I think that's enough information for me to call upon my lucky charm."

A single, uninflated balloon is what she gets from it. She's a bit confused, not sure what to do with it. She doesn't have the time to figure it out, since Lady Noire is having a hard time blocking the villains attacks on her own.

Ladybug joins the fight, blocking the scarf from wrapping around them. It takes about a minute when she realises what her lucky charm means. "Lady Noire, I got it. Here's the plan..."

Lady Noire positions herself at the left side of the villain. She uses her collar to reflect the sunlight towards the villain. The villain gets distracted, thinking it's a camera making pictures. Ladybug then inflates the balloon and rubs the balloon against the scarf, causing it to become static. While the scarf gets 'stuck' with the balloon, Lady Noire comes jumping towards the villain and uses her cataclysm to release the akuma. Ladybug opens her yo-yo and catches the akuma.

"So long, papillon." She says, releasing it. "Good job!" They smile at each other, fist bumping like the day before. Ladybug throws the balloon in the air, shouting "Miraculous Ladybug!" And all the damage made gets repaired.

"What happened?" The now de-akumatized girl asks.

"I'll take it from here, you're about to transform back." Lady Noire says, but Ladybug refuses. "I still got another two minutes and I want the media to know a new superhero pair has come to Paris."

"If you're sure, I won't stop you. Let's help this girl for now and once the media gets a picture of you, you get out of here to protect your identity." Ladybug nods in agreement and then explains what happened to the girl.

In less than a minute, the media is back again, Miles up front.

"I heard you don't like the media. I'll tell them to not post those pictures if you want." Ladybug offers, but the girl declines.

"It's fine, I overreacted, I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you."

"It's totally fine, don't worry about it." Ladybug smiles.

Within ten seconds after the press arrived, the heroes get flooded by questions. "Who are you?" "What happened to the last Ladybug?" "What's gonna happen from now on?" "Did Hawk Moth return?"

Ladybug and Lady Noire look at each other, then back at the media. Ladybug starts talking. "We haven't got a lot of time, so lets make this quick. We're Ladybug and Lady Noire, the new heroes of Paris and we'll protect you no matter what the cost. We wish we knew what happened to the last Ladybug, but we don't. And lastly, we're sure that Hawk Moth has returned and we'll do anything we can to return his miraculous and get him to jail."

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