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It's late, a little before midnight. El is climbing her way onto Autumn's balcony. It really has became a habit, even after Autumn's parents came to senses with, well, everything. El silently knocks on Autumn's window, it doesn't take long before Autumn opens her curtains and then her door, stepping outside. El looks at her girlfriend, smiling brightly. She puts her hands on Autumn's cheeks and makes her forehead touch Autumn's, who starts blushing and smiling almost instantly.
"You ready?" El asks, Autumn nods. "Good." El responds, then gives Autumn a small and fast kiss before jumping down and telling her to come down too.

"We're not gonna watch it at my place?" Autumn asks as El runs in front of her, pulling her with by holding her hand.
"That's too boring. This has to be special." El says, Autumn notices the biggest smile she's seen on El's face yet. It makes her fall for her all over again, purified akumas in her stomach.
"Come on, we're almost there!" El says, squeezing her hand then running even faster than before. Autumn lets herself being taken away, running after El while the snow is slowly falling down on them, it seems like magic, it's beautiful, magical.

After five more minutes, they arrive at a place Autumn knows well. She can't believe she hadn't thought of coming here earlier, it should've been obvious El was taking her to 'their secret place'. The small picnic table in the middle of the grass field surrounded by empty buildings seems even older since last year. It even creaks when El and Autumn sit down on it.
"Five more minutes left until new year." El says satisfied after checking the time. Her cheeks are red from the cold, her brown eyes shine like the sun and her fluffy hair is chaotic. Autumn smiles and pulls the few hairs in front of El's eyes to the side "You get more beautiful with every passing day, did I tell you that already?" Autumn says, making El's red cheeks even redder, she wants to respond with a mutual compliment, but she's smiling too big to even think of one. She loves everything about Autumn, one compliment can't cover all of that.

El looks at the time, one minute left before midnight. She looks in her bag and gets out fireworks she bought earlier. She's ready to light it whenever the clock hits midnight.
"So, I thought we should go into the next year together. And all the years after that, of course. So I bought these fireworks to celebrate that, I guess, I don't even know, I thought it would be fun." El says awkwardly, looking up at Autumn. She's been flustered around Autumn much more lately, which Autumn finds adorable.
"Let's light it together, okay?" Autumn responds, holding a timer counting down to midnight next to the fuse.

"10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Happy new year!" They count down, then light the fuse and back down quickly. As the fireworks explode in the air, the two lovers look at each other, their eyes saying the exact same thing: 'please just kiss me right now'. El puts her hands on Autumn's cheeks again, making them warm. Autumn wraps her arms around El's hips and pulls her up, making sure they're at the same height. El moves her hands to the back of Autumn's head and her neck and presses her lips onto Autumn's lips. Autumn closes her eyes and kisses back, wishing that this exact moment would last forever. It's everything she's ever wanted. Just her and El, finally together.

As El gasps for air, she whispers "I love you" then engages back into the kiss. She's never been more happy in her life, she loves Autumn so much. She'd never want to let go from this moment, she's being carried by Autumn, the love of her life, her whole world. And if you have your whole world right there, what else do you possibly need? 

Okay so like I mentioned last chapter, this epilogue would be fluff, fluff and more fluff and no more angst. I really hope y'all enjoyed this book and if u did please don't forget to vote so more people can find and read it. I'm really thankful for every single person reading this, and I'm glad y'all read it through until the end. Thank you all so much! :))
Bug out!

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