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Eh, hi!
I already showed you guys the seating in the classroom, but I know that just names don't mean much to you since I made up all those characters by myself.
So the purpose of this extra chapter; I'll explain every student a bit, so if you're interested, please read :)
This is in no way related to the story line, so if you skip this chapter, you won't miss anything that happened in the story.

I'd also like to thank my friend teslovesmlb for helping me with the characters and their bday/zodiac/personality type.

1) El, March 26, Aries, ISTJ [she/her]
El isn't scared to stand up for herself and she's almost fearless, but she can also be rude at some times and she's reckless.
2) Autumn, May 19, Taurus, ENFP [she/her]
Autumn is really kindhearted, creative and smart. Although she's also pretty forgetful and she's overly protective.
3) Roux, August 6, Leo, ENFP [they/them]
Roux is social and they can start a conversation with basically everyone. They're also very loving towards their friends. But they're also loud and can be pretty bold at some times.
4) Catherine, June 15, Gemini, INFP [she/her]
Catherine is an introvert and really shy, although she's talkative with her friends and other people she has a bond with.
5) Miles, March 15, Pisces, ISFP [he/him]
Miles is intelligent. Once he sets a goal, he'll do anything in his power to succeed. He's antisocial, irresponsible and easily embarrassed.
6) Louis, May 2, Taurus, ESTJ [he/him]
You can describe Louis as the opposite of Miles. Louis is responsible, social and rarely embarrassed. Although, as oldest of three siblings, he's overly protective.
7) Violette, July 28, Leo, ESTJ [she/her]
Violette stands up for herself and isn't scared to pick a fight, although she hates getting filthy. She hurts other feelings easily and rarely feels guilty about it.
8) Sarah, September 8, Virgo, INFP [she/her]
Sarah is hardworking and will do anything for her friends. But she doesn't easily make friends and can't stand up for herself. 
9) Noel, February 6, Aquarius, INFP [he/him]
Noel is a transgender male. He's friendly towards everyone. He's also quiet, shy and he has some trust issues. (And his parents are Julerose cuz they're my OTP hehe)
10) Adam, October 11, Libra, ENTP [he/him]
Adam is 'that average guy'. He has a good condition and loves sports. (Sports are the only thing he stands out in). He's loud and doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut, he's also pretty aggressive.
11) Soleil, December 9, Sagittarius, ESFJ [she/her]
Soleil is sweet and kind to everyone, even if they don't deserve it. She also overdoes a lot of things.
12) Mai, April 25, Taurus, INFP [she/her]
Mai is creative and rarely scared. She does have social anxiety, she's quiet and she has stage fright.
13) Ash, January 22, Aquarius, ESFJ [he/him]
Ash is very creative and social. He loves to draw and his dream is to be an artist. And he is very insecure about a lot of things.
14) Austin, January 3, Capricorn, ESTJ [he/him]
Austin can focus easily and loves learning. He doesn't understand when someone's joking/being sarcastic and he cries fast.
15) Celine, July 12, Cancer, ENTJ [she/her]
Celine isn't insecure and she's got a good charisma. But she can easily play with someone's emotions. She's in a relationship with Yves.
16) Yves, October 24, Scorpio, ESTP [he/him]
Yves also has a good charisma and he stands up for himself. Although he's also aggressive and he doesn't care about breaking someone's heart.

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