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Lady Noire pulls away from the kiss, standing awkwardly while waiting for any sort of reaction. She isn't completely sure why she kissed her, she just needed to make sure she doesn't like Autumn the way she does Ladybug, but she feels even more confused now. She enjoyed the kiss, even though it was short and one-sided, but she felt almost the exact same way after her kiss with Autumn.

Ladybug doesn't respond as she stands paralysed and confused. Lady Noire kissing her must be a coincidence, but it feels weird because of what happened with El just a moment ago. She doesn't know how to respond. She's been in love with El for forever, it's not that easy to forget her and move on. Yet Lady Noire does give her a comfortable feeling of home and she's saved her life multiple times.

"I think I have to be honest with you, I don't return the same feelings." Ladybug starts, carefully choosing her words "There's another girl I like. I don't think me and her will work out, though, but I tried getting her off of my mind and it's impossible. So I'm really sorry, but I have to reject you. I still want to be partners and friends, though, I promise you didn't make things awkward."

Lady Noire puts on a fake smile, which looks sincere. She hoped Ladybug would return the same feelings, it would be easier to forget about Autumn that way. "I hope you and that girl work out in the end, I'm sure she's amazing." Lady Noire says, Ladybug thanks her.

"It's getting real late, maybe we should both go home. We're still going on patrol tomorrow, right?" Ladybug asks.

"Yeah. Sleep well Ladybug, see you tomorrow." Lady Noire says before leaving. Ladybug watches as her partner disappears into the night sky and once she's out of sight, she does the same, leaving for her own house.

Autumn enters her room through her balcony, she detransforms and falls head first on her bed, screaming into her pillow.

"I'm so done with all of this." She complains, turning around to face Tikki.

"I understand, Autumn, a lot has happened today. But I'm sure that El will come to you when she's ready to talk, and Lady Noire and you are still friends." Tikki says, but starts yawning with the last few words. Autumn notices and gets out of bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you food earlier. I think I've got some in my bag." Autumn says, walking up to the bag she had with her all day. She opens it, expecting to find a cookie, but ends up finding something she hasn't seen before. Or maybe she has. She recognises it, but she doesn't know what she recognises it from or how it got in her bag.

"What's wrong?" Tikki asks, flying up to Autumn.

"I'm not sure." Autumn responds, showing her kwami the black cat toy she got from Lady Noire, despite being unable to remember receiving it.

El and Autumn didn't see or talk to each other after that night. Ladybug and Lady Noire did see each other, but they didn't talk about what happened. To be honest, they both wished they could just forget what happened and start over, but that's not possible.

A few days later, school starts again. It's the first time El and Autumn will be seeing each other again since New Year.

El arrives late on purpose to avoid speaking with Autumn before classes. Autumn wanted to speak with El though, so she's disappointed that she didn't get the chance. Neither of them could focus on anything that's said in class and it shows.

During their third period their teacher leaves the classroom for a while. Autumn turns around, trying to start a conversation with El, but she plugs earphones in and ignores Autumn completely. During their lunch break, El left before Autumn could stop her and after their last period, Autumn has completely given up trying to talk to her.

When El is about to leave, Roux walks up to her. "You should stop ignoring Autumn." They sound mad and a bit worried.

"You should stop interfering with things that don't have anything to do with you." El says annoyed.

"I understand your reaction, okay? I know what happened and I understand why you act this way. But I've been comforting Autumn all day and you're not the only one feeling shitty." Roux says, raising their voice over El's, making sure she understands what they're trying to say.

"I just don't feel like talking to her right now, okay? Leave me alone, I'll talk to her when I'm ready to do so." El explains, she doesn't bother to raise her voice, she just wants to leave.

"So when are you ready? It's been five days, how much longer do I have to watch my friend cry because you can't get over this. I know you're not a people-person, but try to stand in her shoes, try to understand what she's going through. If you care about her, even if it's just a little, then you should go talk to her right now." Roux says. El tries to leave, but they grab her arm.

"She'll manage, she has some friends to talk to after all." El whispers, giving Roux a sharp look before pulling her arm away from theirs and leaving without another word.

That evening, when it's already dark outside, El leaves the orphanage. Her conversation with Roux had set her to thinking. She realized that she could've been in the exact same position Autumn is in right now as Lady Noire. She should be happy Ladybug is as forgiving as she is, El has decided to try the same and talk with Autumn.

El climbs onto Autumn's balcony and taps on her window, it doesn't take long for Autumn to open it. She's confused, a bit happy and shocked to see El there, but lets her in anyway.

"Is it really necessary to enter my room through my balcony every time you visit?" Autumn asks to lighten the mood, scared for what El's going to say. El doesn't bother to respond to the question. Instead, she asks Autumn a question "How are you?"

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