37//what's family?

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Hi! I was wondering if people were actually reading this lol. So if you are, please comment or vote bc I'm curious. (Also please tell me whether you enjoy reading it or not)

El comes home and runs straight up to her room, she needs some time alone to think because she can break down at any moment now. Of course, this doesn't go as easy as planned. The moment she walks past the living room, Lila asks where she's been.
"School." El stutters, shaken by the unexpected question.
"That's weird. I just got a call from school. You haven't been attending classes since yesterday." Lila says. El knows she's in trouble now. Lila used to be a mother who didn't really care what she did, but she probably went too far now.
"I had to take care of a few things."
"Such as?"
"Things. I don't have to tell you."
"Yes you do, I am your mother and I'm worried about you." Lila raises her voice.
"You're not my mother, she died years ago!" El blurts out, then holds her hand for her mouth. She's unable to think straight with everything that has happened.
"I wish I didn't have to do this, but you're grounded. Go to your room!"
"Fine!" El shouts, sprinting up the stairs. She locks her door and falls down onto her bed, sobbing quietly. She isn't sure what to do at this point and for the first time in years she wishes her real mother was here right now to comfort her, she wishes she had a real family.

Some time later, El isn't sure how long it's been, Lila knocks on her door. El doesn't respond.
"I know I'm not your real mother, but I'm still trying to be a good mom to you." She says, El keeps quiet. She doesn't care. Her real family is always the people that leave: first her parents, then Autumn, then Plagg, then Rune. Lila will leave soon, too, she knows it.
"Just text me if you need anything." Lila says, then leaves El alone again.

El can't remember falling asleep, but she wakes up to the sound of a knock on her door. At first she ignores it, but they keep knocking
"Go away!" She shouts.
"I just got here." Autumn's voice says from the other side of the door. She had been feeling anxious to meet El for days, but she's been worried sick. When Lila called her, asking if she could come over, she didn't even hesitate. If even the person who most likely adopted El just to steal her miraculous is worried, then she had no other choice.
"What are you doing here?"
"Am I not allowed to check up on my best friend?"
"No. Go away."
"Can I come in?"
"You're annoying."
"I know. Can I come in?"
El sighs loudly, then opens her door. When Autumn is in her room, El has already laid down in her bed again. Autumn closes El's door then sits down on her bed next to her. 
"So what's going on?"
"Nothing, I'm fine."
"Don't go around telling me that lie again. I thought we'd passed that point already."
El turns around, looking at Autumn, she's trying to keep her tears back. The only family she had that actually stayed is right in front of her and she can't get herself to be honest with her.
"How do you do it?" She asks.
"Do what?" Autumn asks, the sudden thought of El finding out she's Ladybug makes her feel anxious.
"You're always so happy and forgiving. You're never feeling down when something unexpected happens in your life, you just adapt and move on. How do you do it?"
Autumn lays down on El's bed too now, facing El. "I'm not."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not always happy. I've been stressing a lot lately and I'm constantly tired. I guess I'm just better at hiding it."
"I'm sorry." El says, shocked by this and flooded by guilt because she hadn't noticed.
"It's fine, I'm more worried about you. Do you want to tell me what's going on now?"
A lot of thoughts go through her head. She wants to open up about Rune, but she promised she wouldn't. She wants to tell her about how she lost someone not too long ago, but doesn't want to answer any follow-up questions. Heck, she even wants to tell her she's Lady Noire, but knows that would be the worst idea. She misses fighting crime with Ladybug, too, more than anything. She used to be able to blow off steam, she can't anymore. She isn't feeling good at all, but for some reason Autumn being here makes her feel alright.
"I just miss my family." El eventually says. This was about the last answer Autumn expected.
"I miss my mom, I miss my dad, I miss Miss Blanchard, I miss the orphans, I miss taking care of the little ones, I miss listening to their everyday boring stories. I miss sneaking out at night, I miss causing mischief, I'm at a loss." Until she said it, El hadn't noticed how fond she had grown of the orphanage and its orphans.
Autumn doesn't respond, she isn't sure what to say. Instead, she pulls El into a hug.
"Why don't we visit the orphanage on our way to school?"
El nods. "What time is it?" She asks when she's fully dressed.
"7.30AM. I decided to show up early today." El smiles.
"Okay then let's go." She says. Autumn smiles, standing up. El leaves the house rather quick. Autumn tells Lila goodbye before following El. She might despise Lila, but she feels like she's sincere about caring for El.

Arriving at the orphanage, Miss Blanchard notices them quickly. She's feeding one of the babies, but walks up to the two teenagers. "It's good to see you. How have you been doing?" She asks, El doesn't respond but hugs Miss Blanchard, which surprises both Miss Blanchard and Autumn.
"I'm sorry." El says, backing down.
"No, it's fine. Everything okay?"
El nods, "I'm fine now." she says.
"Well, I'm glad. Do you want something to drink or eat? I'll get you some." Miss Blanchard offers. El looks at Autumn, who nods, saying they still have time left before going to school.
"Yes please. And I could feed him if that's okay." El says, Miss Blanchard smiles and gives El the baby. Then disappears into the kitchen, coming back with two drinks.
"So tell me what has been going on in your lives, I'm sure there's a lot to catch up on."

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