Chapter 34

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I can't believe how much notice my story is getting! Like I opened Wattpad after a day of not being on it and I had 1000 notifications wtf 😳

December 15, 1979

Tomorrow. Tomorrow we will take the first step to take down the Dark Lord. It's risky, but I think we have it all worked out.

To be honest, I wish I was going alone with Kreacher, but there was nothing I could do to convince him otherwise. If it comes down to it though, I'll sacrifice myself. I want everything to go to plan, but if it was a life or death situation, I would give myself up with no question.

Hopefully by this time next week our name's will be cleared. I'll finally be innocent and able to return to Sirius, I just hope he'll forgive me of everything I've done.

Next time I'll be writing, I will be a free man, I'm sure of that.


Cassie shut her Uncle's journal with a small frown on her face. This was Regulus' last entry, so she unfortunately had to assume whatever he was doing went wrong.

Although, the one thing that was curious about this entry specifically was the fact that Regulus used the word "we". She initially thought it was Kreacher, but as it went on, she realized it was someone else. Who that was though, she had no idea.

"Cassie, we're leaving now," Tonks said, breaking her out of her thoughts.

It's been a month since she met Bellatrix. Surprisingly, things have been relatively quiet since then, but today was a big day with the Death Eaters.

"You guys will be at Grimmauld for the rest of the evening then, right?" Cassie asked.

"Yes, we're going for a meeting, but then most likely sticking around for a bit," Tonks replied.

"You still haven't been to a meeting in a while, it might be good for you to come," Remus added reluctantly.

Cassie sighed, "Not that I would either way, but remember I have to go to Malfoy Manor in a couple minutes for a mission."

"Oh, that's right," he mumbled. "You shouldn't have any run ins with Order members, but please be careful still, just in case."

"I will, don't worry. I won't be alone on the mission," she tried to reassure them.

The two of them nodded, seemingly unconvinced. They knew she had to do these missions to not raise any suspicions, but that didn't make them worry any less. If anything, doing a mission with somebody made them even more nervous, as they could turn on her at any point.

"We'll see you later tonight, then," Tonks said softly.

"Be safe!" Cassie called out as they walked out the door, apparating away.

Alone once more, Cassie prepared herself to leave. She was lucky enough to not be assigned many missions, due to supposedly being undercover in the Order, but it didn't make these infrequent missions any easier.

Once ready to go, she apparated right on time to meet her Uncle Joseph outside of the Selwyn Residence. The note from a few days ago was vague, but her mother told her that she was to go on a mission with her Uncle and to meet at their house.

As soon as Cassie landed, Joseph was already standing there waiting. Not expecting him to be right there, she jumped in shock, eliciting a laugh from him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he laughed.

"It's okay, just wasn't expecting you to be right there," she giggled.

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