Chapter 24

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"What should I tell Voldemort then, Professor? You know I can't show up empty handed," Cassie asked Dumbledore.

It was the morning of the Hogsmeade visit. Not only would Cassie have to meet with the trio about Defense lessons, but she also has to meet with the death eaters.

Her mother had sent her a letter earlier that week to meet them in the same place, but at 3:00 in the afternoon instead of the same time. For what reason they wanted to meet in daylight baffled her, but it's not like she was going to argue with death eaters.

Cassie had explained everything that happened to Dumbledore, which he seemed surprised at Voldemort's instant trust in the girl. It was unlike his nature which perplexed the old man. He knew she needed a piece of Order information to relay to him, but this, he was hesitant on doing.

"I realize that, Ms. Black, but you're asking me to give up something about the Order which could get somebody killed," he said calmly.

"And if I show up there today without any information, I will be killed and this would have all been for nothing," Cassie argued.

Dumbledore seemed to ponder her words for a moment. She guessed he was trying to think of something Cassie could give to Voldemort.

"Very well," Dumbledore gave in reluctantly. "The Order is protecting something in the Department of Mysteries. Members are continuously rotated around, watching for death eaters. That should be valuable enough information."

"Thank you, sir. I hope you know I wouldn't ever want to betray the Order, I just have to earn their trust so I'm initiated," she explains.

A faint smile spreads across Dumbledore's face, "I know that, Ms. Black. I have all my faith in you that you will complete this mission for our cause."

Cassie smiled back at the man before looking up at the old clock in his office. Her grey eyes bulged at the time, realizing she was supposed to meet the trio 5 minutes ago.

"I gotta go, Professor! I'll come by later to fill you in!" she yelled out while running out the door.

Out of earshot of Cassie, Dumbledore quietly chuckled to himself. She reminded the man so much of a young black-haired boy back in the day. He could only hope they would eventually find their way back to each other.

Out of breath, Cassie stood heaving in and out with her hands on her knees once she found the trio.

"You're late," Hermione said bitterly.

"Sorry — I was talking with Dumbledore," she explained through pants.

"Dumbledore?" Harry questioned in shock. "What were you with Dumbledore for?"

Harry was perplexed at this declaration. He's barely been able to speak one sentence to the man, yet somehow Cassie has been chatting up a storm with him.

Realizing she was supposed to lie about her whereabouts, Cassie internally cursed herself.

"Oh, um, j-just about my early graduation," she stuttered nervously.

Luckily for her, no one pressed the subject any further, despite Harry being slightly suspicious.

"Are we done chatting so we can get going?" Hermione remarked.

The four of them set off toward Hogsmeade after Filch glanced suspiciously toward Cassie. For some reason he had it out for her, always thinking she was up to something.

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