Chapter 56

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Woohoo, new chapter! Enjoy guys, make sure to comment along the way while reading!

By the time the group hit solid earth, Cassie found herself more conscious than before. Through the darkness, she could smell the salty air and there seemed to be a cottage a short way away under the wide starry sky.

"Dobby, is this Shell Cottage?" she heard Harry whisper beside her.

She tried to focus on their conversation, but for some reason, she found herself growing dizzy. By now her arm had stopped bleeding, so she wasn't sure why she was having so much difficulty attempting to stand.

"Cassie...?" Regulus said worriedly.

As soon as Cassie looked down, however, she quickly realized what happened. Sitting on her upper thigh was Bellatrix's small dagger that managed to Disapparate with them. All she could think was that she really couldn't catch a break on the injury front, but in the end, she'd rather it be her than one of her loved ones.

So, all she could muster out was, "Shit," before ultimately falling to the ground, unconscious.


The sea was rushing against a rock somewhere nearby. That was the first thing Cassie noticed while her eyes fluttered open. Sunlight streamed in directly on her face through the window, and it was in the perfect viewpoint of the open sea. In other circumstances, she would consider this to be quite peaceful.

"You're finally awake!"

Cassie flinched in surprise not realizing someone was in the room with her. Looking to her left she saw Joseph sitting in a wooden rocking chair, but he jumped up as soon as he realized she was awake.

"Give a girl some notice she's not alone," she teased, "I could have had a heart attack!"

Joseph rolled his eyes as he hunched over to hug her.

"Always so dramatic," he snorted.

"What happened? Where are we?" Cassie asked as he pulled away. "I remember being at Malfoy Manor when everyone was fighting, then it all went fuzzy."

"Dobby and Kreacher helped us escape here to Shell's Cottage, it's a safe house owned by Ron's brother, Bill," he explained.

"Bill and Fleur's?" she said in surprise. "How did that go down when they saw two known Death Eater's in their eyes, one that's supposed to be dead, and me, who's also supposed to be dead."

Joseph snorted, "That sounds like a mess when you put it like that, but they were hesitant initially as expected. Put their wands in our faces until we explained the short story of how we're fighting for the same cause. It helped that Harry and his friends spoke on our behalf as well."

"Good to hear, I can't imagine it going any differently seeing us three. I think I would pass out if I was someone else," Cassie joked.

"Yeah, yeah, well, it's going to keep happening eventually. I have a feeling a large reunion is on the horizon, but not in the way we'd hope," he admitted.

"Yeah... what really happened though?" she asked, changing the subject. "I really don't remember much toward the end, how did I even get stabbed?"

"Well, you were hurt pretty badly so Regulus was holding you as we Disapparated, but I guess at the last minute Bellatrix threw her dagger and it managed to travel with us. Your unlucky self managed to receive the blow in your thigh," he explained.

"Damn," she sighed, "I really am an unlucky person."

They sat in silence for a moment while Cassie processed everything. Something she quickly realized though was that Regulus was holding her and it sent a pit to her stomach. If she has learned anything about her uncle these past few months, it's that he always places immense guilt on himself, even if it's not his fault.

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