Chapter 4

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The first night spent at Grimmauld Place Cassie had the worst night terror she has ever experienced. She woke up in a pool of her sweat, her throat raw from what she assumed was her screaming.

Cassie knew she's been getting these since Cedric's death because of Serena and the rest of her dorm mates, so just as a precaution she set up a silencing charm around her room before bed. Seems as though it came in handy.

She had only slept a mere 2 hours before waking up like this, but she knew she would never fall asleep after that nightmare. Cassie knew that day something was off, but she let Cedric go into the maze anyways. Her subconscious simply decided to remind her of how much she blames herself.

Cassie remained in her bed throughout the rest of the day, not daring to get out of bed. She yearned for Cedric to be with her, but instead she would never see him again.

It was mid-afternoon when Cassie heard knocking on her locked door.

"Go away!" she yelled out to whoever was behind the door.

"Mum told me to fetch you to have you come downstairs." she heard someone say. Cassie wasn't sure who it was, but she knew it was one of the Weasley twins.

Cassie groaned, "Didn't you hear me the first time? Get the fuck away! I don't care what she or anyone says leave me ALONE!"

She let out a sigh of relief when she heard steps fade away down the stairs.

"Thank fucking god." she says to herself.


A few hours passed when Cassie decided to pull her diary out from her trunk. She hasn't written in it since the fateful day, but she decided to flip through the pages. Cassie flipped around until she felt herself freeze at a very familiar page.

The Yule Ball.

It was close to the end of The Yule Ball. Most of the students have cleared out by now, but Cassie and Cedric remained in each other's arms in the middle of the dance floor. It was as if nothing was wrong in the world. It was just Cassie and Cedric.

Cedric brushed his lips against Cassie's ear sending shivers down her spine, "Wanna get out of here? I want to show you something."

With a nod of her head Cedric lead Cassie out of the Great Hall. They walked hand in hand in a peaceful silence, simply glad to be together. Cedric continued to lead her down corridors until they suddenly stopped in front of a large empty wall.

Cassie turned to Cedric confused, "Um, Cedric? I know you said you were going to show me something, but what's so special about an empty wall?"

"You'll see, just close your eyes," he replied.

Cassie begrudgingly listened closing her eyes until she felt Cedric squeeze her hand. She opened her eyes to see a large door in front of her.

"I- what? T-That wasn't there before, what is this?!" she said in shock.

Cedric chuckled, "It's the Room of Requirement, it appears to anyone in need of something, you just have to think about it three times."

Cedric opened the door and Cassie was met with a large room decked out in Hufflepuff colors. It looked similar to what she assumed the common room would look like, the only difference is that there was a large king sized bed off to the side of this room.

"Wow this is amazing! How did you find this?" she said while gazing around the room.

"Funny story actually, I was running late to Charms a couple weeks ago and I really needed a bathroom, but obviously there's no bathrooms around here. So, as I was basically running to class needing a bathroom, this door suddenly appeared and inside was a bathroom! I came back later on and tested it out and realized I found the Room of Requirement," he explained.

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