Chapter 46

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HI EVERYONE! Hope you all have a great day or night for whenever you read this!

"So? Did you guys get it?!" Joseph asked urgently once the three of them arrived back to the cottage.

With a proud smirk Regulus pulled out the leather book.

"Come on, Joseph, do you have no faith in us?" he joked.

"Well... it is you we're talking about, Reg," Cassie teased.

"She has a point," Joseph joined in.

Regulus' eyes instantly narrowed while darting between Joseph and Cassie.

"I don't like this- this alliance you both have against me!" he whined dramatically while pouting.

"We're only joking, don't get your knickers in a twist," Joseph laughed while subtly winking at Cassie causing her to clap her hand over her mouth to prevent a chuckle from seeping out.

"Let's just look at this stupid book," Regulus grumbled.

With a roll of her eyes Cassie grabbed the book to start flipping through the chapters. Throughout the book there were pages and pages of information on the most dark magic she's ever seen before. Some of the things she glanced over truly made her stomach curdle, but luckily she found a chapter marked "Making and Destroying a Horcrux" before she could see anything else unsettling.

"Here it is!" she squealed.

"A Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul in order to become immortal," Joseph began reading aloud. "Horcruxes could only be created after committing murder, the supreme act of evil."

"Nothing new for Voldemort then, I guess," Cassie attempted to joke, but she soon noticed that neither of her Uncles were laughing.

"Don't say his name," Regulus spoke shakily.

"We shouldn't be afraid of a name," she said quietly.

"It's not that simple for us, Cassie," Joseph sighed.

"What do you plan on doing then? Calling him the 'Dark Lord' like one of his followers for the rest of time? That's cowardly!" Cassie argued.

"You don't get it!" Regulus snapped. "I'm sorry, Cassie, I love you, but you don't get it. We have suffered longer than you know. We spent years in that life in pain because there was no way out for us!"

"You're out now though... what do you have to be afraid of? I just don't understand," she said.

"We aren't all brave Gryffindors..." he mumbled before walking off, leaving Joseph and Cassie alone.

"Was I too harsh? I'm really sorry if I was, I-I forget that you and Reg had much different childhoods than I did. I just want you both to be able to move on from those bad times," she rambled apologetically.

"I know you're just trying to help, but this isn't easy for him especially," he began to explain. "Regulus tried to oppose his father so he wouldn't have to become a Death Eater and he was tortured horrible because of it. The things we went through... it was unimaginable. For people like you, you may wonder why we didn't just walk away like Sirius, but it really isn't that easy for all of us. Sirius along with Andromeda were lucky having someone to turn to upon leaving it all behind. If I did that while I was younger, for example, I would've ended up dead because I had no one outside of the pureblood world. It's all just too painful..."

Cassie felt a pang of regret in her chest as she listened to her Uncle. She didn't mean to come off so bluntly, she guessed it was just her being so used to no one having the pasts with Voldemort and his followers like her Uncle's do.

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