Chapter 16

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I can't believe how many people are reading my story! The number of reads keeps growing so fast, thank you all so much!❤️

Cassie sprawled onto the floor in a panting mess as she finished the last of her Auror examinations.

"Congratulations, Stealth and Tracking was the last of your examinations meaning you officially have passed all the necessary examinations to be an Auror," Moody informed her.

"Thank god," Cassie sighed, "that was brutal."

"Did you think it would be easy?" he scoffed.

She rolled her eyes, "No, I just didn't think I would be this exhausted."

Moody grunted, "Well, you've officially finished your Auror training. You can now be considered an unofficial Auror and come Christmas time, you'll be a full fledged Order member."

Joy getting the best of her, Cassie quickly jumped up and wrapped her arms around Moody, surprising him.

"Thank you so much, for everything. I'll be prepared for anything with your training," she murmured.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't mention it. Just because you're trained though doesn't mean you can be careless. Remember, constant vigilance!" he said pulling away from her embrace.

Cassie snorted at the phrase Moody loved to say. She couldn't believe that it's already been almost two months since the start of her training. It was a dream to become trained as an Auror and now, it was a reality.


Back at Tonks' apartment, the two girls were celebrating Cassie's accomplishment. Remus wasn't home yet, so they could celebrate freely without making up a story to him as usual.

"I can't believe your stubborn ass actually did it!" Tonks joked.

Cassie playfully nudged her shoulder rolling her eyes, "You know me, when I want something, I will go to the ends of the earth to get it."

"Yes, I do know that," she said sighing, "I just can't believe my baby cousin is going to be fighting alongside me in just a couple months!"

"Best believe it, Tonks, the time will fly," she retorted smirking.

"So, I'm guessing things with Remus are going slightly better seeing how he's always here?" Cassie said changing the subject.

"He still has his doubts all the time, but it is going a bit better. I don't know, he acts like my boyfriend but whenever I talk to him about us settling down or anything long term, he gets super panicky. It's confusing," she admits.

"Ugh, men," Cassie scoffs.

The two girls burst into a fit of laughter as the front door slammed shut, alerting them that Remus was back.

"What are you two girls up to?" he questioned.

Tonks and Cassie shared a look before bursting into giggles once more.

"Girls are so weird," Remus muttered under his breath.

"So Cassie, are you excited to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow?" Tonks asked.

"That's already tomorrow?" Remus blurted out before Cassie could respond.

"Yeah...?" she responded confused.

He paled at this realizing there was no putting this off anymore. Remus had to tell Cassie about her mother. He had promised Dumbledore he would tell her before she was back at Hogwarts, but it was too difficult to do it so he's been putting it off.

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