Chapter 25

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"You must keep the girl safe," a snake-like voice hissed.

"I will, my Lord. To the best of my abilities I will-"

The snake-like man cut the woman off, "You WILL keep her safe because if not, you will pay with your life."

"Is it that important for her to remain alive?" the woman asked hesitantly.

"You know what will happen if she doesn't," he said scoldingly.

"It's not known for sure that it will happen though..." she said quietly.

"It most likely would and you know this," he said bitterly, "which is why she must remain safe. If not, it may be the end of me, so keep her alive or pay for it with your own."

Cassie shot up from her bed in a cold sweat. Her dreams were never usually this vivid, and never once had one included Voldemort, but she could only assume this was because of everything that has happened. She was simply nervous about being a death eater, that's all.

Not thinking any more about her dream, Cassie decided to get ready for the day. She was getting dressed after her shower when she remembered what day it was.

October 6th.

Cedric's birthday.

Letting out a shaky breath, Cassie fell back onto the floor. So much has been going on since this school year started, she didn't even remember this date was coming up.

It was his first birthday since he died, his first birthday Cassie wouldn't spend with him by her side.

With a deep frown on her face, Cassie left the bathroom, not forgetting to wear a long sleeve to cover her new mark. As she walked out, she was immediately attacked into a hug.

She noticed it to be her best friend, Serena, who was probably feeling the same thing as she was. Just the thought of them two being here together without Cedric was enough to make her tear up.

"Come on," Serena spoke softly, "some breakfast will help us."

With a slight nod, her and Serena headed downstairs from their dormitory together. Upon entering the common room, many students were crowding around a poster about Umbridge's new Educational Decree, but the two girls couldn't bring themselves to care, not today at least.

It was apparent from the loud chatter in the Great Hall that the only ones who were aware of what day it was were the one's closest to Cedric. As everyone else went about their day, people like Cassie sat in mourning while eating breakfast.

Cassie sat there eating slowly, not bothering to talk to anyone. She simple gazed off into the distance, ignoring everyone and everything.

Out of nowhere, the daily mail swooped in, and surprisingly, an envelope and a folded piece of paper dropped in front of Cassie. She didn't usually receive that much mail, so it was abnormal to get two things on a day that wasn't a holiday.

She first opened the scrunched up piece of paper. It was a short note, but Cassie knew who it was from immediately.

Meet me at our place tonight at midnight.


Looking up toward the Slytherin table, Cassie made eye contact with the familiar head of platinum blonde hair. With a subtle nod, she signaled to him that she would be there, causing Draco to break their eye contact.

She peered back down to look at the slightly discolored envelope with her name sprawled across the front. Cassie knew that handwriting from anywhere and her first instinct was to chuck it in the fireplace, but curiosity took over as she ripped it open.

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