Chapter 48

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hey! so I went back and forth with lots of ideas of how to proceed. I was trying to figure out how to go on with the canon timeline since the Golden Trio won't have the locket to destroy now, but I'm going to switch things up so they still have a horcrux to do their adventure with! You'll see what I mean :)

A few days passed since the eventful night of transferring Harry Potter to the safe house. Everyone who took part in the mission were luckily able to come out of it relatively unscathed, except for Mundungus Fletcher, that is.

Shortly after the Death Eaters showed up, Mundungus was spooked and attempted to flee, which Yaxley noticed. He knew that the real Harry wouldn't flee, so he sent the killing curse at him before he could apparate away.

Everyone assumed that it never occurred to Mundungus that it would be obvious he wasn't actually Harry if he tried to leave, but there was nothing anyone could do now. He made a mistake, and unfortunately ended up paying the ultimate price for it.

In the days following, everyone attempted to become comfortable in the Burrow, while also preparing for the wedding between Bill and Fleur. Mostly everyone had something more pressing on their mind than a wedding, but most used it as a distraction to find some peace in the craziness.

Attempting to do so turned out to be more difficult for people like Sirius, who had a lot on his mind. In the past weeks, he has noticed so many confusing things that, in all honesty, makes him feel like he's going crazy.

While everyone else was enjoying their day, busying themselves, Sirius just sat on the couch with a blank stare. He wasn't sure what he should do, there were simply too many questions that no one had answers to.

"Padfoot!" Moody called out, capturing the man's attention. "What are you sulking for?"

"I'm not sulking!" Sirius whined defensively.

"Yes you are, and it's making other people uncomfortable so spit out the problem," he replied bluntly.

"Did you see that girl the Death Eaters went after?" he asked.

"No, I was too busy trying to get out of the ambush alive after what happened with Mundungus," Moody answered. "Is she what this sulking is about?"

"It's crazy - I know it is - but I can't seem to get her image out of my head. The girl looked so much like her," he sighed.

"You're right, it is crazy what you're proposing," Moody agreed gruffly.

"I know it is! But how would some random girl who's not a Death Eater or an Order member know about that night? And why would she risk our lives for us and run off? None of it makes sense..." Sirius argued.

"Things have been peculiar, but it's best that you drop it. People will begin to think you've gone mad if you keep talking like this. Nothing we can do about the girl unless she decides to show up again," Moody declared firmly.

Sirius watched Moody eye him as he limped off, as if daring him to pursue the idea more. He wasn't sure why he was so adamant about dropping it, but he figured he was right in a sense. It's not like he saw the girl fully or knew who she was, so there really isn't anything to do unless she shows up again, much to his disappointment.

There was a deep feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was going on, but with no one on his side, Sirius can't do anything to figure it out. For now, he would simply have to go on as though everything is normal.

Sirius' thoughts were interrupted by Remus and Tonks bursting into the room urgently.

"Padfoot, the Minister of Magic is on his way," he explained breathlessly. "We have to leave."

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