Chapter 20

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Wow, 20th chapter while hitting 20K! So crazy, thank you all for the support!❤️

"You blithering idiot!" Cassie yelped while smacking the back of Harry's head with a textbook.

"Ouch! What was that for?" he asked while clutching his head.

"I told you to not piss off Umbitch," she said through gritted teeth, "and now I hear you got a weeks worth of detention?!"

"I didn't even lose my temper!" he defended himself. "She's just out to get me or something."

Cassie rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Just make sure you don't go to any detentions without seeing me first so you don't feel the blade like I did."

She turned away to head out of the common room when Harry called out "Wait!" to stop her.

"Wh-Why are you helping me? I thought you hated me?" he asked hesitantly.

"I've never hated you," she replied sadly, "I just always envied you, for having Sirius."

Harry was shocked. Cassie wasn't known to be an open person. When he asked her why she hated him, he figured she was just going to tell him to fuck off. Normally, this is what Cassie would've done, but she doesn't envy him anymore. There was no reason to not tell him, because the part of her that yearned for her dad was gone, at least, that's what she kept telling herself.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take him from you. You can still have him though-" he began before Cassie cut him off.

"Yeah, no. I'm done with Sirius, don't even try to convince me otherwise," she said.

Not bothering to hear a response, Cassie walked out of the common room. Harry hadn't yet tried to convince her to talk to Sirius like he asked him to, but just from this one mention of his godfather, he was nervous to ever bring the conversation up again.


After a long weekend of doing nothing, Cassie spent each night of the week meeting up with Harry to perform the numbing spell. Despite everything, she didn't want him to be hurting.

"Thank you," Harry said on a Thursday night before his detention.

"Yeah, don't mention it," she said with a smile.

Glancing up at the common room's clock, she saw she was about to be late.

Running out of the common room, Cassie yelled out, "Sorry, gotta run! Good luck, Harry!"

She ran down the corridors realizing how late she was. In a panting mess, Cassie made it to a witch statue that leads to the Honeyduke's cellar. Waiting by the statue were Fred and George with their arms wrapped across their chests.

"You're late," George said bitterly.

"I'm sorry! I lost track of time since I had to help Harry with something," Cassie explained sympathetically.

Fred wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder, "Well, let's not waste anymore time then!"

With a roll of his eyes, George tapped the statue with his wand.

"Dissendium!" George whispered.

At once, the statue's hump opened wide enough to admit a fairly thin person. Cassie, followed by Fred and George, hoisted themselves through the hole headfirst, and pushed themselves forward.

They slid a considerable way down what felt like a stone slide, then landed on cold, damp earth.

"That never gets old," Cassie giggled as she wiped the dirt off of her robes.

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