Chapter 10

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Wow, 10th chapter already! Thank you so much to everyone who took a chance on my story and continues to read it! 💖

"Come on, box, I am way too short for this!" Cassie grumbles to herself.

It was a pretty calm day, there wasn't much to do so Cassie decided to explore the room she was in, which happened to be her Uncle's. She was looking around for things that might tell more about who he was or her family in general, seeing as her father would practically jump off a cliff rather than talk about his family.

Luckily, she happened to find a large box, but unfortunately for her it was on the top shelf in the closet. Sirius is easily 6 feet tall, but somehow Cassie is only 5'4. She can only assume she gets it from her mother, not that she would know though, her dad doesn't like talking about her either.

Cassie had barely reached the box, but as she pulled it toward the edge, it suddenly flung off falling to the floor with a crash. She winced hoping no one would come up to see what the noise was about, Cassie wasn't sure how her Dad would react to her snooping around.

"Having fun, are we?" Cassie heard Tonks say amused from the door.

"Shove off, not my fault I'm short," she joked.

Tonks chuckled, "What are you doing anyways?"

"I'm not really sure. I was bored so I figured I would look around seeing this is my Uncle's room," Cassie said shrugging.

Tonks nods while glancing around the room, "Could I look too? I'm stuck here today so I don't have much to do."

"Of course! It'll be like old times looking around Andy's house," she reminisces.

Tonks begins rummaging through drawers across the room before letting out a laugh.

"Oh, yeah, I remember all those times we snooped under Mom and Dad's nose, but then we broke a vase trying to pull something down and that was the end of our escapades," she sighed.

Cassie laughed remembering that memory from when they were little. Things were so easy back then, if only she could go back to truly take advantage of those times.

"Anyways, so, what's going on with you and Remus then?" Cassie questioned while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

A blush immediately erupted from Tonks face in embarrassment.

"I don't know what you're talking about! Nothing's going on!" she replied quickly.

Cassie rolled her eyes, "Bitch I'm not dumb. Anyone with a brain can see you two practically undressing each other with your eyes."

Tonks groaned in defeat, "Well, I don't know. I like him of course, and it seems like he likes me too, but then he switches up. He'll say he's too poor, old, and dangerous. I think it's because he thinks he'll hurt me because of the lycanthropy." she finishes quietly

"That's ridiculous though! If you're telling him you don't care then he should listen," Cassie says annoyed.

"Yeah, I don't know. I guess it's just hard to let himself be happy," Tonks trails off sadly.

Cassie frowns remaining silent noticing her cousins somber mood. Instead, she dug around the box looking at the various Knick-knacks and a scrapbook that were inside along with a brown leather journal.

The scrapbook was large, clearly separated out by different types of pictures and were labeled as "Regulus' Photos". For some reason, it didn't occur to Cassie that her death eater uncle would have a knack for picture taking.

She flipped through the scrapbook glancing over the pictures in awe of how good they were. As she flipped, Cassie landed on a page that made her freeze. The cover was labeled as, "My Brother". Every picture in that section was clearly taken without her father or anyone in the pictures knowing. This made her realize that Regulus never truly drifted off from Sirius, he was simply forced to act as though he did.

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