Chapter 44

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"Use your second chance wisely..."

That was the last thing Cassie heard before stepping through the door with her Uncle. White light overtook her senses as they went through, similar to when she died. The only difference now was the mysterious voice that spoke in her head.

Although the voice made her curious, Cassie didn't have long to ponder over it. Soon after stepping through, she landed with a thud face down on a cold floor.

"Cassie?" Regulus groaned. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," she muttered while standing up to take in her surroundings.

Unsurprisingly she found herself back in the Department of Mysteries, in the room she died. The only difference now was that it was completely vacant, no signs of any previous fighting.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"It's where I died in the Department of Mysteries," she explained.

"Right..." Regulus trailed off awkwardly. "Well, didn't you say there was a big fight? Where is everyone?"

"That's what I was wondering too... maybe it's been a couple hours or something," she speculated.

"Yeah, well, we shouldn't linger here too long. If we want to keep our return hidden we have to get out of the Ministry as soon as we can," he stated.

Cassie nodded in agreement, "I think the exit it up there. That's where Dumbledore came from," she said while pointing toward the door across from them.

"Lead the way," Regulus smirked.

With a roll of her eyes, Cassie led her Uncle out the door. They walked down the long hall in silence, in hopes this was the way out.

"So, how does it feel to be alive again?" she asked.

"It still doesn't feel real to be honest," he admitted.

"Fair enough. It's about to get very real though," she giggled before opening the door to reveal the Ministry of Magic with hundreds of people walking about.

"Wow," he breathed, "I can't believe I'm actually back..."

"Best believe it because-"

Out of nowhere Cassie stopped in her tracks, causing her Uncle to bump into her. She was staring up at the large poster of the Minister of Magic, but what confused her was who it was.

Instead of Cornelius Fudge, the image was of an Auror named Rufus Scrimgeour.

"What's wrong?" Regulus asked worriedly.

"That's not the Minister of Magic," she said in shock.

"What do you mean?" he questioned with confusion lacing his voice.

"I mean, that's not the Minister of Magic. Unless it changed in a few hours, the Minister has been Cornelius Fudge for years," Cassie explained.

Regulus hesitated before speaking slowly, "Have you considered it might not have been a few hours?"

At this, a cold feeling ran through Cassie's body. She instantly ran over to the nearest Daily Prophet and grabbed it, only to find herself in more of a shocked state.

The news source was plastered with articles about Dumbledore's apparent death, but that's not what was truly shocking. It was the date.

July 3rd, 1997

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