Chapter 43

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Little update delay, sorry about that! I'm out visiting family in California/Nevada so I haven't had any time at all!

Grief works in funny ways.

Some will ignore it completely as if nothings wrong, many will search for someone to blame in anger, but the one's most touched by grief will end up closing themselves off from everything and everyone.

The grief will be so painful that the brain will simply numb the outside world. Nothing matters anymore to those people, except for the fact they have to live in a world in which the person they lost is gone.

For most that knew Cassiopeia Black, this was how their grief manifested. The months following her death was filled with a deafening silence, no one quite sure how to move on.

Everything was different now. Not only because Cassie was gone, but also because everyone was now aware Voldemort has truly returned.

There wasn't a need for hiding out at Grimmauld Place anymore, much to the relief of Sirius. In all honesty, he wasn't sure if he would be able to return there for a while. It held too many memories of his lost daughter, unfortunately mostly bad ones.

And as he sat at Tonks' apartment, he couldn't help but think back to his last time at Grimmauld a few months back:

"Finally leaving for good?" Walburga's portrait sneered at the sight of Sirius tossing bags down the stairs.

It wasn't long after the events of the Department of Mysteries. Voldemort was known to everyone of being back so Sirius didn't need to stay at Grimmauld.

Before he wanted to leave solely because of his childhood, but now it was even more of a need to leave after Cassie's death.

"Yes, mother, I'm finally leaving. Hopefully I'll never be back," Sirius snapped as he picked up all the bags that were thrown down.

Walburga scoffed, "Hopefully indeed. I don't need to see a disappointment such as yourself around my house. Cassiopeia is the only one welcome to return."

Sirius' eyes darkened at his daughter's mention, "She won't be returning either," he mumbled.

"And who are you to say she won't? Cassiopeia will always be welcome-"

"Cassie won't be returning because she is dead!" he yelled out, cutting her off.

"How?" Walburga asked, emotion running through that one word.

To anyone else she would seem to be a heartless woman, but it was evident in this moment she did have emotions. Walburga may have little concern for her first born, but her granddaughter was a different story.

Sirius was so blinded by his own sadness he didn't even notice this display of emotions. The question of how Cassie died was what choked him up, he still didn't want to come to terms with what she did.

"She jumped in front of me. Cassie was hit with the killing curse instead of me, who it was supposed to be," he replied slowly.

"I should have known it would be of your doing," Walburga hissed with a wavering voice. "You screw up everything like the blood traitor disappointment you are."

"Don't you think I know that!" Sirius shouted.

"I hope you do because this is all your fault! You are the reason the world just lost an amazing person like Cassiopeia, I hope that fact torments you with guilt every day," she fumed.

By now silent tears were streaming out of Sirius' bloodshot eyes. It felt as though he was a young boy once more getting reprimanded by his mother, the only difference was now he believed her cruel words.

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