Chapter 55

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Double update just because I felt like it. Be prepared for a very long chapter, lots is about to happen...

Also, I love reading your reactions so comment as much as you want!!!

As expected, Harry and Hermione were thoroughly shocked after listening to Cassie's story of what happened. While they were initially upset upon finding out how long she's hidden being alive, they eventually understood the reasoning behind it. In the end, they were content with the fact that she was here now.

The Golden trio quickly fell back into their comfort with Cassie, but the new addition of Joseph and Regulus still made them slightly weary. They knew they weren't a threat, but they were still new people. It's difficult to immediately change your perception of people, especially after years of hearing stories of how terrible they are.

"Does anyone else know about you guys?" Harry asked Cassie.

It was the next night that the group found themselves lounging around various places in the tent. After the events yesterday, everyone needed time to relax and get to know their new companions.

"Only a few, and they really only know because of my mistakes," Cassie cringed recalling the memories.

"Ah, yes," Regulus snorted throwing an arm around Cassie's shoulder, "I remember how that happened. You definitely did inherit my brother's lack of thinking things through."

"Oh shut up, you act like you're any better," she rolled her eyes, shoving him off. "Anyways, as I was saying, the only people that know are my dad, Remus, and Tonks."

Harry perked up, "Sirius knows?"

"Yep! Lovely reunion we were able to have," Regulus chuckled.

"I mean, yeah, if you consider punching someone a lovely reunion," Cassie commented.

"You punched Sirius?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Hey, it's not like he didn't deserve it," Regulus shrugged, "but yes, I did actually punch him."

"You're really nothing like I imagined," said Harry as he watched Regulus.

Regulus sighed, "Yeah, well, I wouldn't have expected you to imagine anything other than what you've been told. I don't hold it against him, with good reason Sirius thought of me as just another one of You-Know-Who's followers."

Harry was about to ask another question when Hermione's voice interrupted them.

"We need to talk," she said approaching Harry.

He looked at the book she was reading which was still clutched in her hand. It was The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.

"What?" he said apprehensively. He wondered if it was about the section of the book concerning him. However, Hermione's answer was unexpected and it caught the attention of everyone in the tent.

"I want to go and see Xenophilius Lovegood."

"What?" Cassie interjected. "Why would you want to go see Luna's father?"

Hermione took a deep breath and said, "It's that mark, the mark in Beedle the Bard. Look at this!"

She thrust the opened book onto the table and allowed everyone to huddle around it. The page she left open was a letter written by Dumbledore, but the part she pointed to was the signature. Dumbledore had replaced the A of Albus with a tiny version of the same triangular mark inscribed upon The Tales of Beedle the Bard.

"It keeps cropping up, doesn't it?" she said. "It was on that old grave in Godric's Hollow, and now this! We can't ask Dumbledore what it means, but we can ask Mr. Lovegood. He was wearing the symbol at the wedding!"

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