Chapter 35

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Hey! I'm so sorry for the delay in updating. If you don't follow me and didn't see my message, we had to put my dog down. It's been really hard on me so I haven't had much motivation to do anything. Thank you for understanding, I know I hate waiting for updates as well ❤️

It's been three days since Cassie arrived to Grimmauld. She's wanted to leave ever since the fight with Sirius, but she was too injured to move. She could barley walk let alone apparating away. Luckily though, she has healed pretty quickly, so she's able to leave today.

"I can't wait to get out of this hell hole," Cassie grumbled.

Remus chuckled, "Oh, it's not that bad. Granted, it's pretty dusty and gloomy, but it's not terrible."

"I have to deal with Sirius' incessant chatter while accusing me of being a Death Eater every day. It's terrible," she argued.

"Well, I mean technically..." he trailed off jokingly.

Cassie rolled her eyes knowing what he was referring to. "Shut up, that barely counts, I'm spying."

"Yeah, but still, technically," he laughed.

Letting out a groan of annoyance, she picked up the throw pillow next to her and threw it at Remus' face.

"Oh, really? That's how you want to play?" Remus teased before lunging at her.

With no mercy he began tickling her, ignoring her pleas to stop. Cassie was in a fit of laughter, she couldn't help being a very ticklish person.

Remus only stopped when he heard someone clear their throat at the entrance to the room they were in. Much to Cassie's dismay, they turned to see Sirius.

"Moony, we need to discuss some Order business," said Sirius.

"Okay, what is it?" Remus asked.

The two of them could see Sirius shift awkwardly on his feet.

"Well, I can't really say it with her here," he mumbled.

"Why not? She's been in Order meetings before," Remus said.

"Well, this is important and she might relay it to the Death Eaters!" Sirius exclaimed.

Cassie huffed, "Unbelievable. I don't even want to know that bad to deal with this crap," she groaned while standing up.

Shoving past Sirius, she gave him a fake smile before flicking him off. Cassie was too pissed off having to be at Grimmauld to deal with him.

Walking into the kitchen, she collapsed onto the nearest chair, sighing deeply.

"Rough day?"

Cassie turned to see Mrs. Weasley sitting at the other side of the table. She was too preoccupied remaining angry that she didn't even notice she wasn't alone in the room.

"Yeah, sorry," she sighed. "It's just been a difficult few days."

Mrs. Weasley gave the girl one of her signature sweet smiles. "I understand. It's hard being cooped up here while so many bad things are going on out there."

At this, Cassie remembered the man, Dolohov. She couldn't even imagine what Mrs. Weasley must be thinking, knowing her brother's killer is out there.

"Are you doing okay though?" Cassie asked. She wanted to remain true to her word to Fred that she would check up on his mum.

Mrs. Weasley shook her head slightly, as if she was deep in thought about something. "Yes, deary, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" she questioned.

"Just with the Azkaban breakout and all... I know it has put everyone on edge..." she replied awkwardly.

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