Chapter 23

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On the thirteenth of July, Remus, Tonks, Teddy, and Regulus got to Grimmauld Place at the crack of dawn, quite literally. They waltzed in, Tonks insisting she carry a blow horn (she could've used a spell, but where's the fun in that), at five in the morning. Remus's eyes, as he was half asleep, snapped open after every blow, and Teddy clapped along energetically, giggling.

"Why are we doing this again?" asked Regulus. The first place they went was the kitchen, where Regulus set to make tea (making sure he had enough for everyone in the house).

"For the fun of it," Tonks replied.

The first person to come down was Harry, who after months of camping was used to functioning on a sleep deprived brain. He rubbed his eyes, "I thought it was you guys," he muttered, "If we were being invaded by Death Eaters they wouldn't use a muggle blow horn."

Harry may have deciphered this, but James and Sirius came running down the stairs, as a stag and a dog, running into just about everything.

"Padfoot! Prongs!" shouted Remus,which caused the two rogue animals to stop, look at eachother, before turning human.

Sirius and James looked at eachother again, before Sirius began, "That's just how we always 一"


"Come downstairs for breakfast."

James looked at his son, "Right, Harry."

Harry grabbed a cup of tea from Regulus and nodded, "Everyday, without fail, they race down the stairs as animagi and the one who causes the most ruckus gets extra food."

Lily chose that moment to appear in the doorway, "I'm not going to question why the hallways were destroyed."

Sirius cleared his throat, "So.... Is anyone going to explain why we're up at five? And Prongs, deer, your glasses are lopsided."

James muttered, "You're mother's portrait is lopsided," while he adjusted his glasses. "Wait 一 is today the thirteenth?"

"The dates are all blurred in my head," admitted Harry, "It could be February for all I know."

Remus adjusted Teddy on his lap before confirming the date.

"Your getting your Order if Merlin today, Remus!" Lily smiled.

That woke James and Sirius up faster than a shot of espresso. They both let out a squeal, something that was rather impressive for two men who were supposed to be nearing forty.

"That's my BWF!" exclaimed James.

Regulus took a sip of his tea, "What's a BWF?"

Sirius looked at his little brother. "Best Werewolf Friend. Come on, Reggie, you should know that."

"Sorry I'm not adept in acronyms, Siri."

Remus bounced Teddy, though it was impossible to tell whether it was to keep Teddy occupied or to let his own nerves out. "James and Sirius made that acronym up, so don't feel bad. Also, I still don't get why they're giving it to me and not literally anyone else in the war."

"Uncle Remus 一 can I call you that? Anyway 一 you deserve it just as much, if not more, than anyone else. Think about everything you did in both wars, and don't tell me you don't deserve it." Harry took a sip of his tea when he finished that short monologue as in, yes, I just did that deal with it.

Tonks nodded in agreement, "I've been telling him that everytime he brings it up, and he still has doubts."

"I just 一"

James put his hand over Remus's mouth, while Sirius said, "Prongs and I are hereby authorising the immediate commencement of Marauder Code three thousand two hundred thirteen dash A 4 1 bracket 6 5 Y apostrophe O 2."

Regulus put down his mug, "Wait.... I'm almost certain I've heard that one before.... Is it the one where you chug down firewhiskey?"

Teddy tugged at James's arm lightly.

"That's Marauder Code two thousand three hundred thirteen dash A 1 4 bracket 6 Y 5 apostrophe 0 2." James stated as if that should've been common knowledge. Marauder Code three 一"

"James, don't repeat it," his wife said sternly. Lily was rather intimidating, so James shut his trap right away.

Remus had managed to move James's hand. "That code is where they give my chocolate and stop my self-pity session."

"Not to be confused with Marauder Code four hundred thirty six point one two three dash 8 2 5 apostrophe K L, which is the code we used when Moony was having an anxiety attack."

"Did you have a lot of these codes?" asked Tonks.

"Of course we did," said James, "like Marauder Code 一"

"That's enough codes for today," said Lily. " We have to be at the Ministry by nine, so everyone start getting ready."

Harry frowned. "It's five thirty in the morning, Mum." he said, "Why would we get ready now?"

"Harry, dear, you obviously have a lot to learn about living with your father and Sirius," she smiled, "They take hours to get ready. Once, I got you and myself ready, and James was still in is pyjama pants."

"Getting ready for school every morning was so bad," said Remus, handing Teddy to Tonks, "It's the one think I don't miss about Hogwarts."


To say Remus was overwhelmed when he entered the Ministry was an understatement. He held tightly to his son, who had fallen asleep, as he, James, Sirius, Lily, and Regulus were led through the halls and lifts (Tonks and Harry had split from them at the entrance, "Because Auror things," had been his wife's brief explanation.)

Lily walked so he was in line with Remus, "You want me to hold Teddy?" she whispered.

He shook his head, "I'm good," he told her, even though he was brimming with anxiety, "I'd just like to hold him for a little."

Lily didn't believe the word 'good'. "It's alright to be nervous." Lily reminded him.

"I'm not nervous," said Remus through gritted teeth. Lily rolled her eyes. "I'm not nervous." he repeated.

"Okay, I'm nervous." he admitted finally. Lily didn't push him to talk but he did anyway, "My anxiety's been overflowing lately, and no matter how much Dora, or you all, tell me everything's going to be okay, my brain's telling me it's not. What if they revoke the Order of Merlin right when I'm on the stage, what if 一"

"Remus, take a deep breath. Okay?" Remus nodded slightly, so Lily continued, "They're not gonna revoke your Order of Merlin. Look at you, you thought you'd never be able to get married or have kids, and you're holding your son. You thought that you'd never be able to find a job, and you were a Hogwarts teacher for a year. You thought you'd never have friends have those two 一" She gestured towards James and Sirius who were energetically telling everyone they passed that Remus was their best friend, "would brag about being your friend for days. The world is full of new opportunities, and you can't be afraid of them, you have to accept them with open arms.

"So, I guess what I'm saying is your one of the smartest, one of the bravest, and one of the most compassionate people I know 一 once you get past your self loathing 一 and life's too short to self loathe. I died at twenty one for Merlin's sake. Make your life worth living, and don't get caught up in the nooks and crannies of life."

Remus took a steady breath, "Thanks, Lily, you always know what to say."

Lily grinned at him, "Let's get you that award." she hesitated for a second, "And also my husband and his platonic love of his life before they embarrass themselves."

Remus turned to see Regulus trying and failing to stop James and Sirius.

"I've always said I had two kids before Teddy, and this just proves it."

I hope you enjoyed

~Maddy 🖤

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