Chapter 3

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"I should head over," Harry grabbed Teddy, and a small bag that was on the floor next to him.

"We're coming too!" exclaimed Ginny, jumping up from her seat.

Elias ran his hand through his hand, "We better get back to Ireland. Grandma and Mom might be worried about us. We said we were making sure that Regulus got with some people."

"And that he was healthy," added Lian.

"Come on!" complained Ruby, "I was this close to heading to Hogwarts. All I know is that their Houses have funny names."

"You're a Wampus, and I'm a Thunderbird. Is that not funny enough for you?" asked Lian.

"I was a Pukwudgie," said Elias.

"Besides," Ruby interrupted. "How will we get there? Elias never got his Apparition license, and Lian and I aren't old enough."

"Kreature'll take you." Harry informed them. 

Kreature bowed to him, making Hermione scowl, and was about to leave when Elias called out for him to wait.

He wrote his telephone number on a piece of parchment. "Reach out to me when everything's settled, okay?"

"Alright," responded Hermione. "Goodbye, then."

With a few quick goodbyes, Kreature took Elias, Lian, and Ruby back to Ireland.

"I'll apparate with Teddy," said Harry, the three month old still asleep in his arms. "Ginny, as much as I'd want to take you, go with Ron. Hermione, go with Regulus. I'm not sure how rusty his apparition is."

"Okay. I'll leave Mrs. Weasley a note. So she doesn't get worried when she comes home from George's." Hermione quickly  scribbled a letter, and took Elias's number, and put it in her pocket.

Harry made his way to the edge of the property and Apparated to Hogsmeade, since one can not apparate onto Hogwarts grounds.

The pop had managed to wake up the three month old, however, and Teddy's hair flashed between colours as he wailed. Harry rocked and hushed him, but he didn't stop. Out of other ideas, he found a premade bottle of infant milk and fed it to Teddy, who graciously took the drink.

Sighing in content, Harry made his way to the carriage, which already sat Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Regulus. 

"He woke up during Apparition," said Harry, climbing onto the carriage with some difficulty, and sitting next to Ginny.

He pulled a small cloth from his bag, and draped it over his shoulder to burp Teddy.

"You're really good with him," whispered Ginny, as the carriage started to move towards the castle. 

"You'd be good too," he replied, laying Teddy back to continue feeding him. 

The carriage stopped, and they climbed back out of it. Ginny helping Harry. 

"The renovations are coming along great," noted Hermione.

With almost two months of non stop effort from volunteers, the castle didn't even show any signs of having been the battlegrounds for a war.

"I'm still not sure what's happening," frowned Regulus.

"We'll explain everything soon, Regulus. I'm glad that it looks this good, though," smiled Harry. "I wouldn't want it closed in September."

"What do you think McGonagall's password is?" asked Ginny when they stood in front of her new office.

"McGonagall's headmistress?" inquired Regulus. "Harry said something about Dumbledore's grave earlier, so I assumed he had died." Regulus had always been exceptionally good with the concept of death, something he attributed to his family. "But I didn't realise Professor McGonagall was the new Headmistress."

"Good, you're here." The door opened to reveal Minerva McGonagall. Her eyes suddenly spotted Regulus. "Merlin, there are more."

"More?" Harry frowned, pulling the bottle out of Teddy's mouth, as he had just fallen asleep. "Someone else came back from the dead?"

"Come in," McGonagall ushered. 

As they entered the room, they heard the sound of a girl crying. The group gapped as the girl came into view.

"Moaning Myrtle?" 

In a chair sat Myrtle Elizabeth Warren, tears flowing freely down her face. Except now, she wasn't a ghost. Her glasses lifted up slightly as she rubbed her eyes.

"Harry!" Her voice was the same high pitched squeal it was as a ghost. "I was sitting in my cubicle, thinking about death," instead of floating like Harry was used to, Myrtle walked over, "When suddenly, I seemed to take form."

"This really is happening," murmured Hermione, her eyes widening. 

Ginny stepped forward and tapped Myrtle on the shoulder, who shrugged her off. "You really are alive," she muttered, as if it wasn't real until she had touched her to make sure her hand hadn't slipped.

"We're going to need a place for all the Returnees." whispered Ron. 

Hermione nodded, "Are we going to inform the Ministry? It isn't corrupt now with Kingsley as Minister."

McGonagall nodded, "That would be smart. Seeing as we don't want people to think they've gone crazy by seeing a dead person."

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