Chapter 25

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As the ceremony drew itself to a close, Remus told James and Sirius what Dumbledore had implied about Peter.

"I'd like to give Peter a piece of my mind," said James, "Along with the Dursleys, I'd like to visit them too."

Sirius nodded agreement, "There's a list of people I'd like to yell at. Though," he thought for a moment, "Some of them are dead."

"We can yell at their graves?" suggested James.

"Oh, that isn't psychotic," muttered Remus, "Great idea, let's go to a cemetery and start yelling at tombstones. Surely we won't get out."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "No need for the sarcasm, Moony."

James looked around the large room, where people were starting to leave. "You certain Kingsley will let us go see him?"

"I'd rather him see us," said Sirius, "I really would rather not set foot in that place again."

Remus stood up, readjusting Teddy in his arms. "It doesn't hurt to try, does it? It'll be some type of closure for us, James especially."

Sirius nodded, "Moony has an Order of Merlin now, so he's all powerful."

"And I doubt they'll say no to our BWF."

Remus sighed and rolled his eyes, "We're thirty-eight, yet you both act like you're two."

"Technically," said James standing up, and offering a hand to Sirius, "I'm only twenty-one. I dunno his excuse."

"I lived for years as an adult, I think I deserve a little immaturity." Sirius rubbed his hands together, "So, are we going to talk to the rat or no?"

James nodded slowly, his lips pursed in thought. "Yes, we —"

"Somehow, whenever I go near you three, it seems like you're conspiring." James was cut off by Regulus Black, who stood there, his arms crossed. "I'm feeling kinda left out. I want to be involved in this."

Sirius rubbed his little brother's hair like he used to do when they were little. "You'll be involved in all future conspiring. Finally realised the 1970's Regulus was a stuck-up little snob?"

Regulus swatted away Sirius's hand. "Early 70's Regulus was a snob. Regulus circa 1979 was not. I died fighting against the same cause you did. And our scenarios are a lot more similar than you'd think."

That made his older brother frown, "How? I never joined the Death Eaters."

"But people thought you did. Both of us died with the public believing we were Death Eaters, when both of us died for the Wizarding World."

Sirius was at a loss for words, so he just nodded, noticing how his brother was right.

"Speaking of Death Eaters," James said, completely oblivious to the fact he was interrupting a brotherly moment, "We were talking about ways to scream at our ex-friend."

"Peter? He was a very dodgy lad." Regulus said, "He joined right before I died, and I remember being really concerned about seeing him, but we never talked."

Remus exasperatedly stated, "I still don't get how we didn't spot him! He's animagus is a rat, which is known for disloyalty. The last two years he always wore long sleeved jumpers, even in summer, when I was usually the only one to do that. All the signs are so obvious now!"

"Don't dwell on that," James said, "I'm right here. We're all alive, by some miracle, and we're all healthy, and Peter's in Azkaban. I still think yelling at him would be therapeutic."

"How do you think you'll manage that?" asked Regulus.

"Asking Kingsley's our only bet." Sirius informed him.

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