Chapter 9

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Regulus held Teddy, waiting for everything to come back. Colin was there, fiddling with the settings on his camera, and Lavender and Cedric were talking quietly in the corner. Some Aurors were there as well. 

Regulus paced the room, rocking Teddy into a peaceful sleep. Andromeda had stayed home, despite the immense suspicions that her daughter had come back. She'd be called later. 

Myrtle showed up after some time, Professor McGonagall, and two people he didn't know following suit. McGonagall noticed the small baby in his arms, and called him over to her.

"Hello, Professor," he whispered, indicating the sleeping baby in his arms. 

McGonagall held out her hands, and Regulus carefully transferred Teddy to her. Instead of keeping him, McGonagall gave Teddy to his mother. 

Tonk's hair darkened to match her son's before looking up at Regulus, "You're Regulus Black, right?"

Regulus nodded, "I'm assuming you're Nymphadora then?"

Tonks nodded, but scowled at her name, "I go by Tonks. Screw the fact I'm married."

"You're Sirius's brother?" He waited for a nod of confirmation. "I'm Fred Weasley."

"Ron and Ginny's brother?"

Fred smiled, "Yeah. But, I'm the best looking of the lot of us. So it oughta be easy to remember."

"Fred?" Ron stood there, gapping in shock. Behind him were Fabian and Gideon Prewett. 

"If it isn't Ickle Ronniekins!" joked Fred. 

Ron ran at his older brother, and engulfed him in a hug. "I just found Uncle Fabian and Uncle Gideon, but I never —"

"It's alright, Ron, I'm here. I can't wait to see Georgie, though."

"I'm sure he can't wait to see you either," said Harry, walking over with Marlene McKinnon in tow. He quickly gave a hug to those he knew well, which was Fred and Tonks. "Sweet Merlin, I missed you."

Harry had stronger emotions, but currently felt numb. That was the moment his parents came.

Despite knowing they would probably be there, Harry didn't fully believe it until he saw them.

"Mum, Dad," he whispered softly. He felt like running, like screaming they were an imposter, but he knew they were real in his mind. It's whether his mind wants to believe it too.

"Harry?" Lily cried, running forward and engulfing her son in a hug. James wasn't far behind.

Harry felt the warm trail of tears slither its way down his cheeks and before he knew it, he was sobbing.

For once, he felt truly happy, elated, euphoric even. It felt unnatural to him, as if no person could feel this way. Yet here he was, on a euphoric high.

Lily was mumbling into his ear, whispering words he couldn't understand, but it was calming.

When Proudfoot showed up with Dorcas, Harry wiped his tears in a small attempt to calm himself, as the group of Returnees sat in a circle.

Harry sat in between his parents, unable to separate himself from them. Ron and Ginny (who had arrived with Hermione) had Fred between them, Ginny leaning on her older brother's shoulder. Tonks had Teddy in her arms, and a few Returnees looked in awe as the baby's hair flashed between colours. 

"I'm Kingsley Shacklebolt, and I'm Minister for Magic," said Kingsley once they had all been settled down. He began to explain everything that happened. It took a long time, more than three hours, to explain the war since 1980 and everything in between. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the Returnees that returned from a more recent period of time, added their details when needed.

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