Chapter 4

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"Yes, Professor? Others?" Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister of Magic, entered the room through the floo network to see them all sitting around the desk in the centre of the room.

"People have been returning from the dead," responded Harry casually, gesturing with his free hand to where Regulus and Myrtle sat.

Kingsley's mouth fell slightly ajar, "How is this happening?"

Harry, Ron, and Ginny explained about what had happened. Hermione was still trying to understand the situation, which was difficult for her, being that she was so close-minded. Regulus sat quietly, taking in the situation. Myrtle had started crying again, and spent the story wiping her eyes. 

"We'll need to make a Registration for them, and make them take classes before we let them go back to their families." Kingsley said.

"My family's Muggles." whispered Myrtle. "And I died over fifty years ago."

"And she's only fourteen," said Harry. "Like Ron suggested before you got here, we'll need a safe-haven for them."

"Room of Requirement?" Ginny suggested.

"Destroyed with the fiendfyre," reminded Harry. "What about Hogwarts for the time being? And we'll figure something out in September."

"Is Myrtle coming to school with us?" asked Hermione. "What was the last year you did?"

Myrtle looked up, her eyes scrutinizing Hermione's every move. "Third."

"No matter how odd it is, the school-aged returnees must finish their education."

"I've a question," stated Regulus. "I was eighteen when I died. Does that mean I'm nineteen in the same amount of days between my death and my following birthday. Or, am I turning—" he counted on his fingers, "thirty-seven in August?"

"I'm sixty-nine?" wailed Myrtle.

"Er — I mean — I guess both work. One can be your biological age, and the other'll be your real age." stammered Harry. "I guess —"

The door flung open, and Professor Flitwick scurried in. 

"Minerva!" he squeaked. "I just found Colin Creevey and Lavender Brown wandering the halls."

As if on cue, Colin and Lavender walked in behind him, hesitantly looking around.

"But they died this year!" exclaimed Ron. "They can't be returning by year of death, then."

"Death?" Colin looked around the room, confused. "Wait, is that Moaning Myrtle?" He took his camera, which was on his neck even after just dying, and snapped a picture. 

"Lavender? Can you explain what happened?" asked Kingsley.

"I woke up at the base of the tower, and got up and started to look for people. I saw Colin walking towards the Castle from the grounds, so we decided to stay together, since neither of us knew what was happening. We found Professor Flitwick, and he said two months had passed."

"What's something all four people who've returned today have in common? Maybe if we figured out that, we could find a pattern in the returns." stated Hermione.

"Age," whispered Harry. "All the people who've returned are still teenagers!"

"But that can't be it," Ron frowned, "Then Fred—"

He was cut off by Ginny. "Fred had just turned twenty! A month before the battle!"

"Meaning he'll return with the people in their twenties!" Hermione exclaimed.

Harry smiled, "Like my parents, and Tonks."

Kingsley seemed impressed by the sleuthing skills present in the group. "How old are you all? At the time of your death?"





Kingsley nodded, "When did you wake up, or notice you were alive?" 

The four chorused "today," causingly Kingsley to nod again.

"I'll have to send Aurors around to the places we have a child or teenagers death as a result of Voldemort." Kingsley informed them. "Harry? Ron? Are you two still planning on joining the Auror Corps in September?"

When both nodded, Kingsley gave a soft smile, "I think you two can start a little early."

"I have Teddy to watch," responded Harry. "I told Andromeda I was keeping him until the seventh."

"I will watch Mr. Lupin for the time being," said Minerva. 

Harry looked skeptically at the older woman, but soon relented, and handed over the baby.

"Floo to my office," said Kingsley, taking a small bit of floo powder himself, and disappearing into the flames.

Colin snapped a picture of the coloured flames, before lowering his camera, "I'm still as confused as ever."

Since I have two fanarts for this chapter, I'm putting them here. (You all know I don't draw these, right? I'm like Hermione. I can't draw)

 I can't draw)

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Secondly, I know there's a lot of controversy over if Lavender died or not, but since she's back anyway, I decided to put her in the Returnee group

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Secondly, I know there's a lot of controversy over if Lavender died or not, but since she's back anyway, I decided to put her in the Returnee group.

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