Chapter 11

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Fleur Delacour's scream of surprise early in the morning of the 4th of July, caused her husband, Bill, to come running to the front of their cottage.

Lying asleep on the sand was a small house elf, curled up in a ball. 

"He must be a Returnee," whispered Bill, thinking of when he had been reunited with his uncles and little brother the night before. Bill knelt down next to the small elf, and shook his shoulder gently, "Dobby," he whispered, "Dobby, wake up."

Dobby's eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, "It is one of the Wheezy's. Not the Wheezy, and in Harry Potter's Wheezy, but another Wheezy." His eyes widened at that, and he sat up, "Harry Potter? Harry Potter here? Dobby is saving Harry Potter's life."

"'Arry is safe," Fleur stated, stepping forward slowly, "He isn't 'ere. I theenk 'e wants to see you."

Dobby stood up, dusting the dirt off of his tea cozy, which was covered in blood. "Dobby must go see Harry Potter."

Bill shook his head, "We'll go visit him after we get you a new tea cozy. Okay?"

"Dobby could never." Dobby protested. "Dobby can't take the Wheezy's tea cozy."

"It's alright Dobby, come with me. Fleur can you find a way to contact Harry?"

Fleur nodded, and went to the edge of the property to send a patronus to Harry.

"Come along, Dobby." Bill said, as he gestured the little elf, who was spluttering his thanks, inside.


"Who's sending us an owl this early in the morning?" Andromeda asked, setting her cup of tea on the table in front of her.

"I'll get it." Regulus said, getting up and opening the window, allowing a snowy owl to fly in. "There's no letter."

"What's all the —" Tonks walked into the kitchen, Teddy on her hip, when she noticed the owl.


Regulus frowned, "You know this owl?"

"That's Harry's owl." Tonks explained. "She died during one of the battles."

Andromeda quietly stated, "That explains why she's here. We were the safe house that Hagrid and Harry flew too."

Tonks nodded, "That makes sense." Tonks opened the draw and pulled out some parchment and ink, "I'll write him a letter."

Regulus looked between his cousins, "I still have a lot to learn about this time."

Sorry this is such a short little thing. But, Dobby and Hedwig are here! Yay!

Harry's Wheezy is refering actually to Ron, not Ginny (Did anyone actually think it was Ginny?) Because it refers to the Goblet of Fire, task 2, yada yada.

Anyway, you know what we have now.

Both of them, in a picture, together

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Both of them, in a picture, together. But, I have a second one just because I can.

Seems appropriate with the House Elves and all

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Seems appropriate with the House Elves and all. And I'd join S.P.E.W. but I'd try to help Hermione come up with other ways, and not trick the House Elves free.

Adios, mis amigos.

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