Chapter 24

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The only time Remus ever remembered receiving something in front of a group of people was at his graduation, and even then he remembered getting off the stage as fast as he could. And he couldn't exactly do that this time because he had to give a speech. He hadn't bothered to share his speech with anyone, unless you count Tonks stealing it and reading it through the night before.

The room itself was a lot larger than Remus had envisioned, though that could've been just because the reality of everything had yet to sink in to him. It was like he knew it, but at the same time, he didn't.

The Aurors 一 Tonks, Harry, and Ron included 一 were tasked with seating everyone in their seats. Tonks winked at Remus as he caught her gaze as Kingsley told them to go to the front row of chairs.

Teddy examined the room as well as he could from Remus's arms, his hair flashing between colours.

"It's been almost two weeks, and I've yet to wrap my head around the fact that it's 1998." Remus turned towards Regulus, who idly commented on the year. "I'm glad we got to come back, though waking up in the middle of nowhere wasn't the idealist situation."

Remus adjusted Teddy before replying, "I had it easy then."

Regulus shrugged, "None of us had it easy, per say, just different. You've obviously had an easier time adjusting than James, Lily, and I."

Remus didn't reply because they had reached their seats, and James and Sirius insisted on sitting next to Remus, as best friends do.

"I still hate the Ministry," muttered Sirius, "I know it's going to be better under Kingsley, but it doesn't take away what happened."

"I hate the Ministry too," agreed James, "But at least they're giving my BWF an award for being awesome. Your speech is ready, Moony?"

Remus nodded, before seeing a person out of the corner of his eye. He handed Teddy to James, and told them he'd be back in a minute.

"Okay?" said James, sitting Teddy on his lap. Teddy's hair flashed a messy black.

Remus crossed the room, thanking a few people who congratulated him, and stopped when he made it to his destination. "Dumbledore."

He'd heard about Dumbledore's return a few days prior, but had yet to see him himself. He was more sickly than he remembered him being before his death. "Remus, please, sit."

Remus sat on the edge of the closest chair. "Is it cruel?"

"What's cruel?"

"That you've been brought back only to die again?"

Dumbledore didn't answer for a moment before saying, "It's not as cruel as one might believe. It gives me more time to say goodbye, and more time to correct what I had done wrong. What may be considered cruel is what happened to your old friend, Peter Pettigrew."

Remus flinched at his name, "I know that James and Sirius would like to give him a piece of their mind."

"And you?"

"I'd like to as well," admitted Remus softly.

"There is one thing I've yet to determine about you, Remus," said Dumbledore, "Would you care to guess."

Remus thought for a moment, but didn't answer. Instead making it obvious that he didn't want to guess.

"You've humbled yourself to being self-centred."

"That's contradicting," said Remus.

Dumbledore nodded, "I noticed it since you were a student. You try to do what you think is best for others, but in reality, you've blinded by self-hatred."

Remus felt as if he was swallowing lava, "Is there any particular reason you're telling me this?"

"If you truly want to speak to Peter about what he did, today's probably the best for it."

"You're 一 you're suggesting I go after this and ask to talk to him?" Remus didn't have it in him to even say Peter's name.

Dumbledore had a twinkle in his eye, "I know about what it's like to lose a friend to the dark side, and I have many things I would like to say to him now, but it is far too late."

He didn't continue because Kingsley had started to make his way to the podium. "You better make your way back to your spot, I believe we are due to begin momentarily."

As if there was a frog in his throat, Remus didn't trust himself to speak, he just nodded and walked and took his seat between James and Sirius. His son reached for him from Lily's 一 who had taken him from James 一 arms, and Remus took Teddy and sat down.

Kingsley cleared his throat and began the ceremony.

Remus awkwardly listened as they listed his accomplishments, and couldn't help but make sarcastic jabs at himself, which meant that James and Sirius, who were the only ones in ear's shot, had to stop themself from laughing.

When they called him to make his speech, Sirius lifted Teddy off his lap, who looked at him oddly, before deciding that Sirius's hair looked fun to play with. Remus could hear him groan, but didn't comment, as Harry had done the same thing almost eighteen years before.

James squeezed his arm reassuringly, just like he always did before Remus had to present something at school.

"Kill me now," he muttered under his breath, which caused James to chuckle and roll his eyes.

He saw Tonks mouth, "You'll do great."

His speech was rather short and concise, but was rather well put together for the short time frame, all Remus could say was that it felt like forever while he was speaking.

He didn't think he took a normal breath until he was sitting back down with Teddy on his lap.

Hope you enjoyed.

~Maddy 🖤

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