Chapter 10

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George Weasley jogged from his sight of apparition towards the Burrow, curiosity getting the better of him. His mother sent him a letter, in the messiest scrawl he had ever seen her do, telling him there was a surprise at the Burrow.

George wasn't sure what surprise it could be. Over the last two months he had sunk into a deep depression. He had rented a small flat, unable to bring himself to sleep anywhere else without his twin brother by his side. He was constantly smothered by his mother and other family members when he was at home, so he couldn't stay there. It became apparent George's coping methods were to be left to his own thoughts, which was ironic, seeing as before he was never alone. 

George was engulfed in his mother's arms the second he opened the door. 

"G-George," she stuttered, "Come in. I want you to meet some people."

George followed behind his mother to the living room. Ron and Ginny were sitting on the couch, the largest smiles on their faces since a few months prior. On the opposite couch, two redheaded men that he didn't know. 

"George," Molly smiled, "Meet your uncles, Fabian and Gideon. Fab and Gid, this is George."

George's expression fell, "Mum," he began slowly, "Uncle Fabian and Uncle Gideon died when I was three."

Fabian gave him a warm smile, "People who died during the war are coming back from the dead, George."

George stared at him, his brown eyes widening slightly. 

"We're real, George," Gideon told him, "Checked by Aurors and all."

George smiled slightly at his uncles, before his expression turned sad, but slightly hopeful. "If people are coming back, then what about —"

"— you're better looking other half?"

Fred stood in the doorway, a large grin on his face.

George's reaction was instantaneous. Tears freely began flowing down his face, and he ran forward engulfing Fred in a large embrace. He tried to talk, but all that came out was small stutters. 

"I missed you, Georgie," whispered Fred in George's good ear. 

"I - I missed you too." George managed. "Promise — promise me you'll never leave?"

"I promise."


"Here we are," Harry said, guiding his parents through Grimmauld Place to the kitchen. "Want some tea or something?"

"Tea's fine, dear," responded Lily.

James let out a dry chuckle, "I think you mean 'deer', Lils."

Lily rolled her eyes, but wisely chose not to acknowledge him, instead looking sadly at the baby bottles that littered the counter. "You know," she picked up one of the bottles, "It feels like yesterday we were getting one of these for you."

Harry frowned, placing two cups of tea in front of them, and taking a sip of his own. "Er — could you maybe tell me about yourselves. I don't know much about you guys."

"Who raised you, anyway?" asked James.

"The Dursleys," whispered Harry.

"The Dursley's?" asked Lily, a little harshly. Next to her, James spit out his tea. 

"Remember what we talked about during the huge story earlier? That's why Sirius didn't watch me. Remus couldn't watch me alone because legal reasons. The Dursleys were the next choice."

"I'd've rathered you go to an Orphanage," muttered James. "Treat you alright? Who am I kidding, of course they didn't."

"Let's steer the topic away from my depressing childhood and towards you." Harry said. "I want some Marauder stories."

James smiled sadly at the thought of his two friends. 

Lily touched his forearm gingerly, "They'll be back, James, I know they will. Besides, we get to spoil Remus's son rotten."

James nodded, "Alright. What do you want to know?"


"Where here, Andy," said Regulus as he entered the room, Teddy in his arms. "More returns today. Harry's with his parents, so we have Teddy."

Andromeda looked sadly at the sleeping baby, "Alright. Any others?" 

"Loads," Regulus came into her view, Tonks still standing behind the door, out of her mother's sight. "Fred Weasley, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, the Prewett brothers; pretty much anyone in their twenties."

"Nymphadora was —"

"How many times do I have to say it, Mum," said Tonks, walking into view. "Don't call me Nymphadora."

Andromeda had tears flowing down her face as she pulled her daughter in a tight hug. 

"I'm here, Mum,"

"I assume Ted and Remus —?"

"No, they haven't." Tonks shook her head sadly.

"Yet," added Regulus. "Have a little hope. It'll happen, just you wait."

I hope I did Fred and George justice in this chapter. The twins are back and better than ever. 😉.

Mischief Managed
🖤 Maddy

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