Chapter 13

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Remus Lupin was lying on the cold ground in Hogwarts, feeling slightly stiff and disoriented. Slowly, he sat up, and opened his eyes

"Ah!" He screeched, falling back down on his back. Leaning right up in his face was none other than Peeves the Poltergeist, his eyes widened, and his tongue sticking out.

"Loony, Loopy Lupin!" sang Peeves, flying back, so Remus could sit up. 

He rubbed his eyes, and looked around, "What happened, Peeves?"

Peeves did a flip, "We did it, we bashed them wee Potter's the one, and Voldy's gone moldy, so now let's have fun!" 

"We — we did it?" He scrambled to stand up, "We won?"

Peeves let out a large smile, and nodded. 

"Follow Peeves!" Peeves said, flipping down the hall. 

Remus scrambled to stand, running down the hall to catch up to Peeves. 

"Do you know where everyone is?" Remus asked slowly, knowing that it was asking much of Peeves to get an answer. "Or anyone for that matter."

"Left!" Peeves informed him, "Minnie's here!"

"McGonagall's here? Do you know where?" 

Peeves cackled before flying off again, causing Remus to run after him. 

"Peeves, what are you —" Minerva stopped when she saw Remus. "Remus?" 

Remus nodded, "Where is everyone? Dora… is she —"

"She's alright. Look, Remus, I don't know how to say this, so it might sound blunt. You've been dead for two months."

"Come again?"

"You've been dead for two months. But, starting five days ago, people have been coming back from the dead." 

"Really? Wait, James? Lily? Sirius?"

"I saw James and Lily yesterday, they came back two days ago. As for Sirius, I haven't been made aware if he has returned yet, but his younger brother already has."


Minerva nodded, but before either could speak, the door swung opened, and Severus Snape walked in.


"Minerva. Lupin. Any ideas as to what is happening. The castle looks a little too neat to have just been in a battle."

"Follow me, Remus, Severus, I have much to explain."


Sirius Black woke up falling. He hit the ground with a painful thud. Groaning, he stood up, and surveyed his surroundings. He saw the veil to his left, and his memories hit him like a freight train, causing him to physically stumble in his spot. 

There was no one near him, and he didn't hear any shouting, or see any curses flying around him. He took a shaky step, before remembering Harry might be in the perimeter. His eyes widened, and he forced himself into a trot, leaving the veil room, forgetting he was a wanted criminal.

"Watch where you are going!" He ran into a woman, who couldn't've been older than nineteen. When she saw who it was, her eyes widened, "You — you're Sirius Black." She backed up, "That doesn't even make sense. Sirius Black has been dead since 1996."

Sirius frowned, "It is 1996. The 18th of June, to be exact."

The woman, who Sirius realised was most probably an Unspeakable, looked at him as if he had grown two extra heads, "It's 1998. The 5th of July. Now, I've got to take you to the Minister."

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