Chapter 27

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(Hey everyone, so this is the last chapter of this book. So, thank you all so much to the people who've stayed with me from the beginning, and the people who read this in one go, I appreciate every single read. See more at the end for full A/N)

After Remus's award, July sped by rather uneventfully; it's main use just to be to integrate the returnees into everyday 1998 life. Regulus had learned to use a telephone, to the best of his abilities, and rang up Elias, Lian, and Ruby, the latter who was still overly invested in trying to figure out the reason for the returns, spewing hypothesis after hypothesis into the phone that Regulus had to move it from his ear from time to time.

Lily began to study to become a healer, becoming mentee to some of the top healers, limiting her interaction with her family, which she hated, but knew that it would come with time. Harry and Ron began official auror training, despite the initial start being September, because of all the extra Returnee paperwork and likewise. Tonks didn't return to Auror work immediately, vowing to start in October because her maternity days were put on hold with her death. Remus was offered to start back up as Defence Against the Dark Arts professor come September, which he was initially going to refuse to spend more time with his family, but ended up taking after his wife convinced him he should.

Regulus, Sirius, James decided that they were going to run the foster home that Sirius had thought up together, and so they spent their time finding a place, renovating it, and making sure it was ready for people come Christmas holiday.

The adult returnees returned to their normal life, well as normal as they could. There were obvious hiccups in the road, but that was to be expected. Severus Snape created new potions, most of which benefited the Ministry and some of the which benefited the daily life of the magical community.

As for the children who returned, Lavender, the only of the first group barring Reg, to be of graduated age, tried to live her life as a normal eighteen year old. Job applications, parties with her friends, and other things of the sorts. Cedric was to return as a seventh year, having missed his own, which he noted would be interesting to say the least. Colin was also returning as a seventh year, but he hadn't missed any years and his classmates would be the same he always had, making the situation very different from that of Cedrics.

Myrtle was set to start her fourth year. Her summer at Rose Zeller's house was fairly normal, basically just catching Myrtle up on the everyday life of teens, which she saw as a ghost but never experienced. It was the first time in over fifty years that Myrtle got to experience life, and not hold on to life being Olive Hornby making fun of her glasses.

Albus Dumbledore died on the 15th of August, 1998, after making amends with his brothers, and plenty of other people, and left his life peacefully in his sleep.

And as for our favourite Death Eaters in Azkaban, they're attempted escape plans were foiled, again and again. So much so that they had given up trying after a third attempt. Peter, Rodolphus, and Rabastan were slowly going mad, despite the lack of dementors. Dolores Umbridge could do that to you.

On the last day of August, the Marauders, Lily, and Harry managed to locate where the Dursley's lived, as they moved during the war, and when one says all hell broke loose, all hell broke loose. (The interaction was rather uneventful until James gave Vernon walrus tusks and please see the aforementioned all hell broke loose.)

Now, as to why the returnees returned, that's a secret one might never know the answer to. Because, after all, it is Death's Mystery.

(So, that's the wrap. I really hope you enjoyed this book, and that you liked the ending! If you have any questions on anything, feel free to ask, and I'll explain as best as I can. Questions meaning on their future and all. I might do some oneshots based on certain characters after this, but that isn't a guarantee. This is the end of the main story anyway.

Love you all, and have an amazing day.

Maddy 🖤

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