Chapter 20

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Remus woke up on the floor of the Shrieking Shack, a dog asleep on his left, and a stag asleep on his right. For just a minute, he felt like he was sixteen again, before reality hit him like a freight train. When he stirred, the dog opened his eyes and barked, effectively sending the stag into a confused state as it jumped and ran across the room in a frenzy.

The dog transformed into a man, who let out a barking laugh, and reached forward to help Remus into a sitting position, yelling, "Turn back, Prongs!"

James Potter shifted back to human, and adjusted his glasses, "I meant to do that."

Remus rolled his eyes, "Course you did, Prongs. How bad was it? Are you two hurt?"

"You just turned into a werewolf, and you're asking how we are?" James said in disbelief. "How are you?"

"Stiff, and overall feeling like shite," Remus admitted, rubbing his eyes as he attempted to stand. James and Sirius rushed forward, and stood under his arms like crutches.

"You're a little too humble for your own good," Sirius mumbled as the three started their way out of the Shrieking Shack. "But, if you must know, James and I only got a scratch or two. We're doing alright."

"Good," Remus attempted to stand up straight, but staggered into James's side. "We have to get home, so everyone doesn't worry about us."

James stopped long enough that Remus and Sirius surged a few metres ahead. "Shouldn't you rest a little, Moony?"

"I've done this for the last thirty-three years, James," Remus skidded around the question. "Let's get home."


Severus Snape sat alone in a small apartment the Ministry had lent him for the time being, a large cauldron brewing in the sitting room. After the previous year's events, Severus had been revoked any rights to work with children, meaning his job as Potions Master he had had since his early twenties was rendered useless. Luckily, Kingsley had offered him a job as a Potion Maker for the Ministry, creating new and improved potions. It was probably better than his original one, if he had to be honest. This one allowed him to be as antisocial as he wanted.

Currently, he had a batch of Liquid Luck brewing slowly beside him. He had just set it to brew that morning, so the potion wouldn't be ready for sixth months time.

Severus was in his own little world, which was jolted back into reality by a soft knock at his door. Slowly, he got up, and went to the door, his hand slipping into his pocket and readying his wand. "Who is it?" His deep drawl rang through the room.

The person outside cleared their throat. "Regulus. Regulus Black."

Severus opened the door and let the youngest Black in.

"Long time since we talked," Regulus mumbled as he entered the house. Severus led him to the sitting room. "Already got something brewing, I see. Just like during school."

Severus always had a potion brewing in the Slytherin Common Room during the years the two overlapped. So much so, Regulus's best friend, Evan Rosier, commented on the second day of the twos seventh year how great it will be to run in the Common Room without tripping over a cauldron.

Severus sat down on a small settee, and gestured for Regulus to sit down. "You need something, Black?"

"No," Regulus played with the cuff of his sleeve. "I just wanted to talk a little. You and I are the only former Death Eaters that returned, bar Pettigrew, so why don't we chat a little."

"Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"It's the day after the full moon, and the house is eerily quiet, especially with James and Sirius there. Come on, talk a little."

Severus didn't respond, just stared into the cauldron.

"You think the Death Eaters in Azkaban'll come after us?"

This caught Severus's attention. "You mean revenge of some sort?"

Regulus shrugged, "I'll bet galleons Pettigrew told them about us. To think he was my brother's best friend...."

"It's possible, Black," Severus frowned.

Regulus stood up, "You got a drink or something?"

Severus just stared at him, before getting up to get him a drink.

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