Chapter 2

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"Where are we?" Ruby rubbed her eyes, and looked around where they had landed. "Woah! I think that house's defying gravity!"

Regulus looked at the house Ruby was pointing at, and frowned. "I don't know where we are. Kreature?"

"Kreature has taken you to the Weasley house. Kreature knows Master Harry will be staying here."

Regulus gulped, but nodded. "Are you taking us inside?"

Kreature nodded, before making his way to the door. Ruby skipped along happily behind him, Lian following his little sister, and Regulus and Elias bringing up the rear. 

"Kreature wishes to see Master Harry." Kreature told the girl at the front door. She was about a year or two older than Lian, and had vibrant red hair, brown eyes, and more freckles than someone could count.

She turned back inside and called for Harry, and someone, who Regulus assumed was Harry, yelled back, "Coming, Ginny!"

Regulus's eyes widened to the size of saucers when he saw Harry. He was a Carbon-Copy of how Regulus remembered James Potter, except for his piercing emerald green eyes, and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead. "Who are you?" He asked, looking between the four people he had yet to meet.

Ruby gave him a large grin, and a wave, "Hi! I'm Ruby Issacs! This is my brother, Lian, and my cousin, Elias. We're from America!"

Kreature gave a broad grin, which looked odd on his old features. "Master Regulus has returned!"

Harry frowned, "Kreature. Regulus has been dead since before I was born."

"But Master Regulus is right there."

A second later, Harry was pointing his wand at Regulus. "What was the context of the last letter you wrote?"

Regulus frowned, "Last letter I wrote? That's got to be…? The one in the locket? Have you read it?" His eyes trailed to the locket around Kreacher's neck. "To the Dark Lord - I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more. - R.A.B." Regulus paused, "At least, I think that's exactly what I wrote."

Harry lowered his wand, "How's that possible?"

"I have a theory!" said Ruby pompously.

Harry ushered them inside, and they sat in the living room, which had a few occupants already. The girl from earlier, sat talking next to another girl, a little older than the first one, with bushy brown hair. A boy with red hair as vibrant as the first girl's sat next to the bushy haired girl, holding a baby with blue hair? 

Harry picked up the baby from the boy's lap, and sat on the opposite couch. "Sit, we have much to discuss."

"Okay!" Ruby sat, criss-cross on the floor in between the couches, and the others sat on them, albeit more reluctant then Ruby had been.

"Who are these people, Harry?" asked the bushy haired girl.

"Hermione. That one," he pointed his finger towards Regulus, "claims to be Regulus Black, Sirius's brother."

Hermione shook her head, "He can't be! Regulus Black died nineteen years ago!"

"I know! But I asked him about the context of the letter, and he got it right! Word for word!" Harry rubbed his scar, as if he were thinking.

"I still have a hypothesis," sang Ruby. "It makes perfect sense, if you ask me."

"It doesn't make sense at all," whispered Lian.

"Of course it does. Listen. Harry killed You-Know-Who, everyone knows it. We heard it all the way from Ilvermorny. People who fought against him, return!"

"Only problem is," Lian looked at his younger sister, "Why would that happen?"

"The Hallows," muttered the redheaded boy. "I'm Ron, so you know. And that's my sister, Ginny. And my girlfriend, Hermione. And I assume you know Harry. The baby's name's Teddy."

"What Hallows?" asked Elias.

"The Deathly Hallows," reiterated Ron.

"From the Tale of Three Brothers?" Ginny frowned, "The bedtime story. What's that got to do with this?"

"Harry's the Master of Death!" exclaimed Hermione. "The owner of all three Hallows!"

"They exist?" questioned Regulus.

"You must be mistaken, Hermione. I'm no longer the Master of Death." said Harry. "I lost the Resurrection Stone in the Forbidden Forest, and I returned the Elder Wand to Dumbledore's grave. I only have the cloak."

Elias frowned, "How about we tell you our story, about how we found Regulus?"

"Good idea." said Hermione, "Go ahead."

And Regulus spoke; about the cave, and what he had been doing. Harry seemed to absorb every detail, hanging intently on every word, zoning of while rocking Teddy. Hermione had gotten a quill and parchment, and was writing down the account. Ron and Ginny both sat with a confused look etched on their faces.

"We got Kreature to bring us to Harry," finished off Lian. 

Hermione picked up her notes and scanned through them. "This doesn't make sense!"

"Maybe we should wait until more people come back," said Ruby.

"If more people come back," conteracted Lian.

Ron stood up, and started pacing the length of the couch. "Maybe they're coming back by year of death, starting with — When did you die?" 

"1979," muttered Regulus.

"Meaning soon, the people who died in 1980 will come, then —"

"—1981," Harry's eyes widened. "You don't think?"

"Your parents?" Ginny crossed the room to sit next to Harry, "I don't know."

"I'm not going to get my hopes up, though," whispered Harry.

"—ending with 1998!" smiled Ron, having rambled over Harry and Ginny.

"I don't know, Ron," Hermione ran a hand through her bushy hair, "That can't happen."

"We live in a world of magic, Hermione," her boyfriend reminded her.

"I know, but Necromancy doesn't —"

"Hermione, I think Ron's right," whispered Harry. He stood up, and placed Teddy in Ginny's arms. "Their story lines up with what we know about the death of Regulus Black. No person knew the real reason, they wouldn't've been able to recreate that."

"Besides, what about V-V-Voldemort?" Ron stuttered his name out. "He came back, didn't he?"

"He wasn't truly dead, Ron," Hermione threw her hands in the air, exasperated. "And if people are coming back, then what about the Death Eaters? And Voldemort himself?"

"I don't have the information you guys do," whispered Elias. "I haven't even been active in the Wizarding World since I graduated. But, if the Returns have something to do with Harry being the Master of Death, then you shouldn't have to worry."

"Still, I —" Hermione was cut off by a silvery cat floating into a room. 

The cat spoke in a voice that Regulus could pinpoint as Professor McGonagall. "Potter! Come quick!"

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