Recap before we continue

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Hello, my friends. Maddy here. I know the people reading this are going to be like, "Yes, a new chapter!" But alas, this is not a new chapter? Am I evil? I dunno. I just had a spider on my ankle, and I think it bit me because my ankles ichy now, but that could just be some paranoid thing, despite the fact I'm not actually scared of spiders. Yesterday, this spider caught a fly next to my chair, and it was spinning it getting ready to eat it. Fascinating, really. It was almost 9:30 at night, so all my pictures are blurry. Sad, that was a big spider. I should stop before Ron Weasley haunts me in my sleep, telling me I should follow butterflies instead. Wow, I'm already at 133 words and I haven't even gotten to the whole reason I'm publishing this chapter.

Before wave 3 comes, I thought I oughta do a recap on the returns so far.

Wave 1

• Myrtle Warren - 14
• Colin Creevey - 16
• Cedric Diggory ‐ 17
• Lavender Brown ‐ 18
• Regulus Black - 18

Wave 2

• Fred Weasley - 20
• James Potter - 21
• Lily Potter - 21
• Marlene McKinnon - 21
Nymphadora Tonks - 25
• Dorcas Meadowes - 21
• Fabian Prewett ‐ 29
• Gideon Prewett ‐ 29

The only three that are still Hogwarts age are Myrtle, who will enter year 4, Colin and Cedric ‐ who will enter year 7. Regulus graduated, and Lavender finished enough of seventh year that she won't need to return.

Is that it? Merlin, I hope so. The ages for each wave are going to get larger as we go along. Partly because they're getting older and I only have an average range for about their age, so I gotta go with my gut intuition.

Before you ask, no muggles are coming back. (RIP Frank Bryce) I mean, wizards are good, but they're not that good. As for beloved pets and magical creatures 😉 you gotta wait and see.

Sorry to disappoint you with a lack of chapter, but that's how I roll.

Here's a blurry picture of the spider I took

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Here's a blurry picture of the spider I took. Sorry for you all with arachnophobia.

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Here's some picture of deer I saw last week to make up for it

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Here's some picture of deer I saw last week to make up for it.

Imma sign off now,

Maddy 🦅 (My patronus is an eagle so that's what the little dude's for)

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