Chapter 16

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{Hey! Just wanted to tell you all before you before the chapter started that this chapter has MENTIONS of Wolfstar. As in, it happened during the Marauder's time, but as you all know, this story is Ronks. You'll get what I mean when you read the chapter. It isn't like, "This is a Wolfstar story" type of thing, just like, "Oh, by the way this happened like twenty years ago". I ship both Wolfstar and Ronks, and felt like adding the little nugget for my fellow shippers. (Sorry, if you don't like it, it's not a lot). Just wanted the warning because it's not in the tags and yada yada and I'm rambling. Now onto the chapter ~ Maddy.}


Peter jumped out the sound of the voice. In the cell next to him, Umbridge was asleep, and he was trying to savour every moment of peace he had.

Though he wasn't sure if Umbridge had noticed, Peter had taken a more nocturnal approach; staying awake during the night, and asleep during the day. This reduced the amount of hours Umbridge can talk to him. He'd only been in jail the night, and already felt like pulling the hair out of his head in frustration.

It was about five in the morning, and Peter felt slightly sleep deprived, but was attempting to stay up until Umbridge woke up.

"Who said that?"

"Rodolphus," the voice called back, "Rodolphus Lestrange."

"Rodolphus, where are you?"

"The cell next to you. Not the one that woman's in."

Peter crawled over, and sat next to the wall, and looked through the small crack.

"I thought you died?" Rodolphus asked, "We found your body in Malfoy Manor."

"I-I guess I did technically," Peter wasn't sure how to describe his abnormal situation, "There's been people coming back from the dead."

"That's news. You think -"

"The only people with Dark Marks that are b-back are myself, Snape, and Regulus."

"Black? How did he die anyway?"

"Apparently de-deflected the Dark Lord."

"Oh, so you're the only loyal Death Eater that came back."

Peter nodded, though Rodolphus couldn't see him. "I heard them talking when they brought me here. They think I only came back because I was killed by the hand the Dark Lord gave me."

"Only people who were killed by the Dark Lord -"

"- and ourselves -" Peter added.

"Are coming back from the dead?"


"Was that a question or a statement, Pettigrew?"


"Stop that!"

"Stop what?"

"Stop - I'm giving up." Rodolphus ran a hand through his long hair, "So, you don't think any other Death Eaters are coming back?"

"No, probably not." Peter pulled in his shirt.

"Well, we should avenge them."

"How are two men in Azkaban going to avenge the Death Eaters?"

"Three men in Azkaban. Rabastan is here."

"O-okay. What are three men in Azkaban going to do? And it's not l-like the Malfoy's'll help us. They're the ones that brought me to the Ministry. What happened anyway?"

"They deflected during the final battle. Don't talk about it in front of Rabastan. He was best friends with Lucius in Hogwarts."

"Don't talk about me," Rabastan muttered from the cell next to his older brother.

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