Chapter 21

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Hey, hey. Hope you're all having an amazing day. (Reminder I don't draw anything, or own anyone besides the OCs).

Peter cursed quietly as he paced his cell, Rodolphus and Rabastan looking at him expectantly, and Umbridge asleep.

"So," Rabastan whispered, "What happened?"

Peter stopped, and faced the older man. "I think the Aurors put some anti-Animagi something or other on my cell. I'd only be able to transform and escape if I were in a different cell."

"Great," Rodolphus rolled his eyes, "Now we have to add an extra step to the escape plan."

"Escape plan?" All three men cursed internally and faced the speaker, who happened to be Dolores Umbride. "We're getting out of here?"

"Say it for the world, will you?" Rabastan mocked.

"And you're not escaping," Peter said with an uncharacteristic firmness to his voice that made it evident why he had once been a Marauder. "We're escaping, and you're going to rot here."

"You can't do that! I'm Dolores Jane Umbridge, and -"

"- we all hate you?" Rodolphus added. "Look, Dolores. Nothing personal -"

"- it's so personal-" his brother whispered.

"- but seeing as you and I were in the same house, and the same year, I don't want to ever have to deal with you again."

"If you'll excuse us." Peter began to pace again, "We've got plotting to do. And you're not invited to join."


"I was thinking," Fred twisted his head slightly to the side, and looked up at George, "We stick an Extendable Ear on the side of your head."

The two brothers were sorting through their shop's items, preparing for its reopening on the fifteenth of July.

"Like that would work," George scoffed, touching the hole in the side of his head subconsciously. "The ear would just extend at the most awkward of times."

"You'd have a lasso ear!" Fred exclaimed. He held his left hand above his hand, and twirled it around as if he were a cowboy, and launched the invisible string across the room. "Whenever you want to launch your ear you can! You'd be omnipotent!"

"I'm already slightly omnipotent," George said, picking up a small jar of love potion and placing it on a rack. "I'm saint-like."

"Forgive me," Fred laughed, "All bow down to Saint George, a man of great holeiness."

"What did we just walk into?"

Standing in the doorframe was Angelina Johnson and Lee Jordan. Angelina had a slightly confused expression, but Lee just chuckled.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Lee stated, "We're praying to our Saint George, highest of all holeiness. Amen!"

George leaned against the closest shelf, and winked at Lee, "See, Lee's got the right idea. Is it not obvious, Angie?"

"In hindsight, being friends with you three should've made it obvious." She gave both the twins a large smile, "I'm glad you're back, Fred. It was like losing both of you."

"If we forget Fred ever left, then it never happened!" George said. "For now, we set up the shop and say jokes."


Myrtle sat on her cot, reading a book that she used to read often before her untimely demise.

She glanced up as she heard a knock on the door. "Come in!"

The door creaked open, and Professor McGonagall walked in, and sat on the cot opposite Myrtle.

"I rarely ever come into the Ravenclaw dormitories, but I need to talk to you about something."

Myrtle remained expressionless and she put a bookmark on her page.

"I know it's going to be difficult for you to assimilate with the fourth years once school starts-"

"I'll spend my spare time in my cubicle." Myrtle told her. "Thinking about death."

"I've talked to one of the parents of a fourth year Hufflepuff named Rose Zeller, and I'd like you to spend a week with her so you can see what fourteen year olds do now."

"What?" Myrtle shrieked, "How am I supposed to do that."

"Rose is a good student, I'm sure you'll have no problem talking to her. Oh, and remember to pack your bags, you're leaving tomorrow."

A/N: I live for the twins happy interactions, amd everyone in Azkaban ostracizing Umbridge.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

-Maddy 🖤

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