Chapter 8

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"Where are we, Fabian?"

Gideon Prewett moved some of his red hair out of his eyes and sat up, his brother, Fabian, struggling to sit up.

"Last I remember, we were fighting those Death Eaters."

"You think they ran?"

"Likely," Fabian finally managed to sit up, and stretched his legs out in front of him. "Merlin," he muttered, "I'm stiff."

"I am too," Gideon successfully was able to stand up, holding out his hands for balance, before helping Fabian up. "You reckon we should go get back up?"

"We could try and contact Molly," suggested Fabian.

"She's got all those kids to care of," Gideon reminded his brother. "Especially with the new baby."

"She finally got a girl," laughed Fabian. "But really, we could send a Patronus over to her, and she could send help. Maybe Arthur?"

"Has Molly even seen a talking Patronus? She's not a part of the Order."

"True, but still, I'd feel better if we contacted our sister."

"Alright, then," Gideon casted a Patronus, and sent it off to find their older sister.


Hey, Molls! Fabian and I are beat up pretty bad from Death Eaters. Near Surrey, I think. Would you mind sending back up? - Gideon

Molly's eyes widened, and she let out a shriek, causing Ron and Ginny, the only other people in the house, to run down stairs.

"What's wrong, Mum," asked Ron, rubbing his eyes. It was early, about eight, and Ron had practically rolled out of his bed.

"A Patronus just came, claiming it was Gideon!" She yelled.

Ginny and Ron exchanged glances.

"Mum? How old was Uncle Fabian and Uncle Gideon when they died?" Ginny asked.

"What? Er - twenty nine."

"More Returnees." Ron whispered. "Call Hermione on the fellytone, Ginny. The number's in the big book next to it. I'll send a Patronus back, and apparate to bring them to the Ministry."

"Returnees?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

Ron bit his bottom lip. "People've been coming back from the dead, Mum."


"Why is it so quiet? Where is everyone?" whispered Marlene McKinnon, wandering through the empty abyss of her family home. She couldn't see her parents, or her elder brother, who had been staying with her. Last she remembered, the Death Eaters-

Maybe her family got away. As morbid as it sounded, she didn't see any bodies. But, the house seemed uninhabited for years, decades even. As much as it pained her to admit, she was sure they had died. She vividly remembered hearing bodies drop in the living room.

"Are you Marlene McKinnon?" A voice asked from behind her. Marlene jumped into the air, searching for her wand.

"James?" She asked the speaker, before realising it couldn't be James. James had hazel eyes, and this man's eyes were emerald green. He was also about four or so years younger.

"I'm Harry," corrected the man. "I need you to trust me, alright. I'm just bringing you to the Ministry."

"The Ministry?" Marlene stepped away from the man. "The Ministry's corrupt."

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